*Name: Darkness Arch

*Age: 21

*Race: Devil/hedgehog

*Appearance: This picture was drawn by my little sister, her username is Sazie Chan. If you want to get art from her you have to buy it cause I bought mine.
User Image

Weapon: This weapon is kinda hard to explain but the spikes on his back transform into swords that look like this..
User Image
This was done by my sister and coloured by me.

*Type: speed/power

Magic: yes, he uses dark magic in his book and makes potions.

*Background: 15 years ago when Arch was only 6 years old.. his father was abusive and murdered his mother... ever since then hes been walking alone.

Arch is good with fights but he doesn't like going into that much, only when you make him pissed off he'll fight till your down.. or use his dark magic to settle things.

Arch was always good with making potions and cures to deadly curses caused by creatures but he'd always find a cure...

Ever since Arch has met Amy, he's been always having a few crushes on her in some ways but he's never fallen in love with any girl so far...

Likes: Bananas, apples, carrots, spinach, salad, any kind of cakes, cherry pie, ice cream, sugary sweets, chocolate bars, beans, beef, pork, soups and anything that tastes good... pretty much.

Dislikes: Annoying people, fights, murdering, his thoughts of pain and Sonic...

*Relationship: none yet...

Crush: Amy Rose... but knows she'll never love a beast...

Theme song: ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp2yEKIj1To&feature=related