I'm here to, in a sense, "pimp out" The Who.
The Who is the third band of the Holy Trinity of British Invasion.
That is The Beatles, The 'Stones and The Who.

Who doesn't love The Who? From A Quick One to Tommy to Pete's newest rock opera from Endless Wire: Wire and Glass. These guys are amazing!
Roger has the voice of an angel and a devil, at the same time! Keith was the most erratic drummer who ever lived and still is one of the greatest (recent rolling stones magazine put Keith at number 5 in top 100 drummers of all time.) John "The Ox" Entwistle with the most amazing bass solos to ever happen to rock music and beautiful Pete whose genius and nose are known throughout the world. He's the father of rock operas and windmills (on guitars) and can make anyone stop and say "damn" with the lyrics to Reign O'er Me.

These guys are my true loves and yes, they're from the 60's! They were started in 1964 when Roger hired John Entwistle on the newly invented Bass Guitar, who brought along Pete on backing guitar. Rog quit lead guitar to front the band and sing lead and when they were doing a show, a freckle faced "gingerbread boy" (whose hair had turned Orange in a botched attempted to bleach his hair like the beach boys) told them that he could play drums better then the bloke they had then.
They hired the ginger and realized that there was talent in Keith Moon.
Thus The Who, who at that time were going as The Detours, then changed to The Who, who again changed to The High Numbers and were finally named The Who (again), were born.
They were a blokes band, and the leading music in the MOD generation/scene. When Pete wrote My Generation, that put them on the map and when Roger stuttered for the first time in the recording studio, that made an entire generation freeze, because finally there was a song out there that all the angst ridden teenagers of that time could relate to.
Its said that Pete wrote the words with a stutter because he wanted the song to identify with the masses, but Roger has said many times that Pete wrote it that was because he was poking fun at Roger who did infact have a stuttering problem back then. (Roger didn't get along with the band members and was outcasted many times because he was all work and little play and even punched Keith in the nose, knocking him unconsious, after flushing the pills the other band members were taking.)
And now, with Roger at 65 and Pete at 64 and two members passed on, these two men don't see themselves stopping anytime soon.
Like Roger said "There's no reason we can't do this when we're 90. It will look like s**t, but still sound ******** great."

Whats not to love about these guys!
If you want to learn more, click the link in my siggy and go to my guild for them! We're waiting!!!!
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