I don't know where to put this, so I made a thread. (desparately hopes I'm not breaking rules)

I fear I may be hacked. It may be just a scare, but I am taking no chances. I will cease the use of this account for a couple weeks, and will log into a different account on computers other than the one I own in hope of evading this culprit. Therefore, Anything I might do for the next two weeks is not really me, but the hacker. After 9pm of Nov. 28, 2005 I, personally, will no longer be logged in as Salahare, but as Alia_Kindomu, because I have long been prepared for this sort of danger to my main account.

If I end up being booted from this guild, I understand. crying
I made the effort to notify you all in case this hacker is particularly cruel, and he makes my account do awful things. These people never learn the law of three...