A girl in your average high school who has never had a boyfriend, has a high GPA, and spends her breaks in the day working in the library. Now Lorelei isn't outstandingly pretty nor ugly. She's pretty average overall.

Now there's just one little blip that keeps her from melting into the wallpaper. She's always in the library. She's there during lunch, study hall, her free period; always. She wants friend but can't get over the new feeling. So she goes to her books, the secret hideaway. She's always been fascinated with characters and plots and knocked herself back from finding a guy as good as the characters in her stories. So she's nice to everyone, helping every person who needs that last-minute-due-tomorrow-paper bit of research done, but always kinda thinking what if they wanted to go to a movie sometime.

Will you be the guy who seemed to leap from the pages?

Yes that one a day a boy came in and asked her where a section was.S he smiled looking up and felt her heart drop to her knees. he was more handsome than most in the school, the way he talked more gentlemanly. As she listened to him talk about his project and why he was interested he seemed to have leaped from the pages of a book....She was in love...