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2K GOLD CONTEST - second part up

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Vikki Stardust

Sweet Vampire

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:58 am
Dear mods, do not move this please, or I shall unlock the seven gates of hell upon you. Thanks! blaugh

Hiya folks, read this first and then proceed to the contest down at the bottom. Read first, contest second.

+ + + Only the eager martyr covets battle + + +

The sands were already completely stained red from blood spilt and bodies maimed. It had only been two hours since the gates had opened and already the crowd was filled with a frenzy, roaring for more. More bloodshed. More mayhem. More death. The dregs charged with removing the human debris from the arena were urged by the wardens to hurry up, the crowd growing more and more impatient for the next act to start. Not even the massive pict screens lining the top of the arena could keep the crowd at ease any more, the constant loop of recapped previous fights and messages of the generous sponsors had worn out their welcome.

Their blood was up alright, they wanted a real fight, none of the mass combat that they had witnessed just now. Those were just desperate dregs with cheap and broken kit pitted against real pit fighters, a desperate attempt at glory and riches for the dregs, a warming up for the real fighters, who immediately afterwards fought each other for the enjoyment of the crowds. Over a hundred dregs had died followed by almost two dozen gladiators, who hacked and parried at one another with their roaring chain weapons. Seasoned war veterans would have turned away in disgust at the slaughter wrought in the arena during those two hours. So many dead, just for petty entertainment of the masses.

And yet! The crowd wanted more. The overcrowded stands were roaring and clapping and thumping for more. More blood! More carnage! More death! The owners of the arena, seated in the top stand overlooking the crowds and the arena were most pleased with the crowds and their spending on the seats, the bookies and the food, so in a morbid way they wanted to thank the people. They nodded to the show master, it was time to let them know that they are getting the best thing yet.

The show master activated his vox caster and in a moment his voice boomed through the arena, easily cutting through the din of the people.

'Ladies and gentlemen! Lads and lasses! Nobs and dregs! Did you think that this was the end? Did you think that this was all there was for tonight?'

The crowd roared in disagreement, the show master revelling in their reaction for a moment.

'The masters have decreed that you deserve one more round of glorious bloodshed! One more round of fighting for your entertainment!'

The arena shook on its foundations as the crowd roared in agreement.

'And you have been such a lovely audience that they have decided to bring out the one, the only..'


The noise of the crowd rose to a new level as the spiked iron gates that lined the walls of the arena ground open. This was what they had come to see, this was what they had waited for. The fight of fights.

From one side four tall and muscular gladiators appeared, each stripped down to the waist, wearing assorted pieces of heavy metal armour strapped to their shoulders, legs and lower arms. All but one wore heavy sallet helmets, adorned with horns and scales from the xenos beasts they had to slay to prove their worth, while the last gladiator wore a simple executioners hood, marking him as a veteran of many fights. They all carried chugging and revving chain weapons, ritually chained to their arms so they could keep on fighting until the end. They raised their arms and weapons to the crowds, letting out shouts and roars. The crowd voiced their approval, for the were worthy opponents of their champion.

A silence fell over the crowd as their favoured champion stepped through the gate opposite of the gladiators. The pict screens stopped broadcasting for a moment before the picters and remotes found their mark, showing the Scarlet Angel in all her glory. Her title was most befitting of her, as a handsome woman with long unkempt blonde hair stepped into the arena, clad in a tight, form-fitting leather bustier and knee-high boots while a red loincloth provided some modesty to her nether regions. She held a gilded chainsword lightly in her right hand, the weapon still inert and silent. Calmly the Angel walked to the centre of the arena, her opponents keeping a respectful distance as they raised their weapons to their faces in salute. It was their honour to fight her and if the Emperor willed it, best her tonight. Sticking her weapon into the red sand she knelt down, the massive pict screens lined along the walls of the arena showed this with great clarity. She folded her hands over her breast, forming the sign of the Aquila. Silently she mouthed a prayer to the Emperor.

Spiritus dominatus,
Domine, libra nos,
From the lightning and the tempest,
Our Emperor deliver us.

With a final slight nod of the head she got to her feet, pulled her weapon free and activated it, revving it on the highest cycle to clear the action of the grit and dried gore. The crowd roared, eager to see the bloodletting begin in the earnest.

'Forgive me,' the Angel said quietly as she favoured her opponents with a blank look. She raised her weapon in both hands and charged forward, straight into the fray. It was a tactic that took the audience by surprise. Where they expected a long drawn out duel between four dangerous prey and a patient predator instead they were witness to a quick and bloody fight.

The first to die was the gladiator with the executioners mask, whose head was parted from his shoulders with frightening ease as the Angel's chainsword chewed through the neck at full speed. The head fell aside and blood spurting from the severed neck, spraying the headless body and the Angel in arterial blood. The Angel had drawn first blood and the crowd roared in approval, eager to see their champion paint herself redder and redder with each kill. Illegal bets were made and adjusted, people frantically hoping that more heads would roll before it was all over.

Her second opponent was just careless and showed no real skill at all, swinging his massive chainaxe wildly in front of him as he tried to hit her. It was a wild swing, leaving the gladiator's chest open and exposed. A collective "Ooh" went through the crowd as the Angel punished the gladiator by hacking down into the shoulder of the man, drawing a short shriek of pain from his as she sliced into him, carving out his heart and organs. She let go of her chainsword and let the corpse fall backwards, calmly and deftly she planted one boot on his chest and pulled her weapon free, again throwing the weapon into full speed to clear the chain of blood and gore.

With two opponents left the rules changed. Both men exchanged a nod as they moved in closer to one another. While the rules of engagement stated that only fair fights were allowed, they were told that under special circumstances some lenience might be shown, especially against a skilled foe such as the Angel. The crowd did not care as they gave their approval. They hoped that the two of them would provide a better fight than their brethren. The Angel paid no heed to their change of tactics, instead she whirled her weapon into a wide figure of eight, her expression unchanged. Both gladiators broke at the same time, each going for a side, so that at least one of them would get lucky. The man closest to her was the first to suffer as she turned her chainsword in her grip and ducked beneath his swing, slamming her weapon into his helmet with a clang. In an instant she forgot about him as she turned on her other opponent, dodging and weaving through his blows until he made a desperate lunge that left his back exposed. She rewarded him by hacking into his back, going all the way through until the two parts fell onto the sand. The remaining gladiator, recovered from the blow to his head, thought to see an opening and went for it. Again she was too fast, ducking under the swing and with a deft pirouette turned to hack her chainsword into the exposed leg. With a scream the final gladiator went down, tearing his helmet off with a curse to better study the wound on his leg. The mangled meat, the bleeding, the horribly wrong angle. He was done for, if not for life then as a professional gladiator. He looked up at her, gritting his teeth and fighting the pain as best he could. He would meet his demise with dignity and pride. He craned his head to the left, baring his neck for a clean cut. She stayed her hand, instead she loomed over him, the blank look still lingering on her face.

'Do it. Honour demands that this is done.'

'There is no honour to be had in this, give up.'

'DO IT!'

The gladiator roared in anger as he raised his own weapon for a final strike. The feeble blow was easily turned aside and the Angel turned the move into a decapitating blow, spraying herself in blood for a final time that evening. Without a second glance the Angel turned and briskly walked back to the iron gate from which she came, the crowd ecstatic with the fight they had just witnessed. Red rose petals rained from the highest levels onto the crowds and the arena, though the Angel paid no heed to any of that as she walked on. The show master once again shouted through his vox caster, thanking the Scarlet Angel for a wonderful performance and reminding the visitors to buy from assorted sponsors upon leaving the arena, for it was they who made such a wonderful night possible.

+ + +

High above the blood and rose petal stained arena and roaring crowds were the private balconies, most were owned by the local rich, though some were rented out to people who could afford the high fees. In one of them three silent figures, one male and two female, had watched in silence how the "Scarlet Angel" had killed the four gladiators. The man lowered his guard-issue binoculars, giving a rare grin despite his aversion for the barbarity of blood sport.


The lithe woman to his right shook her head at the remark, giving him a hard nudge with her elbow.

'That's all you have to say? She butchered four men, all of them taller and certainly more muscular than her and that's all you've got to say for yourself? "Interesting" would be an understatement.'

'I know, but the real issue is of course, is she the real deal or not?'

The man turned to the second woman, waiting for a reply.

'Maybe,' she replied at long last. 'I will need to check up close to be sure. Samples might be needed.'

'Well, let's go and have a meet and greet with the champion then shall we?'

+ + +

C-c-c-c-c-contest time!

Help us with a title and win 2000 gold.

Why? Because we suck at making up titles and we're not sure where this story will be going. A mind addled by booze is best left lying down and kept in a rambling state where awesome stuff like the things above can come out.

What can you expect of this story?
- treason
- heresy
- romance
- action
- a mindblowing plot
- lush vistas and choking locales

So help us with a sweet title for this story and we'll help you to 2k gold. Win/win for all!

Oh and feedback is most welcome as always.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:15 am
I Very much enjoyed that read there! very good! I wonder, if the gladitorial arena is to remain a focal point or no? If so I would suggest the title "Sands of Blood" or something to that nature...But its early for me right now so my brain is barely awake. I might have a better title later today for your inspection.

"Scarlet Deception"  


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Vikki Stardust

Sweet Vampire

14,875 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:47 am
Hmm, we're going to a party tonight so maybe we can slip Mac something and make him all creative again. blaugh  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:49 am
ninja i wont tell, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more......  


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Van Evok

Dangerous Hunter

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:33 am
Battle Angel Alita... wait its been taken razz
"Sword of the Seraphim" is my take.  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:41 am
+ + + Only in death does duty end + + +

Not just duty. There's more to it than just duty.

Life. A shitty one at that with little to celebrate about, so no real loss.

Responsibility. Being one of those lucky chosen is a heavy burden, one that has to be carried with great responsibility and silence.

Dreams. Oh the dreams! If those would just end, then everything would be alright. Every horror and every deed finds a way into your mind, into those dreams.

Or is that all just a lie? What if after death you keep everything? What if the Emperor doesn’t take the bad things away? What if the Emperor isn’t really there at the end of the road? What if.. the Emperor isn't real?

Damn you bloody fool!

As if the punctuate the rebuke for his treacherous thoughts the shuttle let out a long, almost organic groan. It didn’t sound right. Space craft always made a little noise when they moved through the void, but that wasn't a normal sound. The Arvus class was known to be an ornery and stubborn design, almost as if having a will of its own.

Jaq Daziel kissed the silver eagle dangling from a silver chain around his neck as if to ward off his horrible train of thought, though it was also an act of superstition, it was something he had done his entire life and it hadn’t failed him yet. He dropped the trinket that he got from his mother back into the collar of his uniform, fastening the collar all the way.

'You okay Jaq?'

He looked to his left, smiling at the leather clad woman seated next to him, a battered but faithfully true hunting carbine across her lap, the skeletal stock collapsed and the scope unattached.


She held out her hand and he took it in his, enjoying the simple gesture. She was something worth fighting for, something worth risking his life for, she was worth all the shock and horror. She knew it and she loved him all the more because of it.

The Arvus rumbled for a moment, loose objects in the interior rumbling and clattering as the lighter flew into the hangar, a heavy thump going through the floor a moment later as the pilot rather unceremoniously set her down, immediately killing the engines.

With a slight hiss of compressed air the ramp popped its seals and slammed down onto the hangar deck with a shriek of metal on metal. The lighter had really seen better days.

The few occupants seated in the cramped interior punched their crash harnesses free and stooped to get out, careful as to not bump their heads. Dan, the unspoken leader of the bunch cleared his throat.

'Okay, you know the drill people, form up and move out.'

Without giving the Arvus lighter a second glance the small squad headed for the armoured security door, flicking off safeties and snapping on lamp packs as they moved into the bowels of the station.

+ + +

Always the gardens of Hesperia, that beautiful riot of colour and greenery plotted into nice and orderly plots. He had been there as a child, awed and amazed by those beautiful gardens. He always remembered that sight, drawing strength and peace from it in times of distress or despair. Sometimes his warp-fuelled dreams would take him there, it was the one place the daemons of his dreams could not follow him, try as they might. They always withered and died when trying to tread upon the green grass. The gardens represented something good and wholesome, something so pure nothing could taint it. Not even the seven years of hard crusading, not even when putting the Eternal Haven to the torch, not even when he was arrested and recruited by the inquisition. It had always been his purest ideal.

Until now.

With a gasp Jaq wrenched into motion, half his face numbed from lying on the cold metal deck. He tried to push himself up but his hands slipped away, slamming his body back onto the deck with a slam. He felt the liquid on his face and tasted its coppery quality.


He fought down the urge to rise in a rush, instead he slowly got to his knees, shocked at what lay around him. His erstwhile comrades and friends, some of them very dear to him, lay dead around him. They were torn to shreds. He crawled over to a pile of viscera and body parts, checking for survivors. He found the head of Paul, that damned cripple and his brother Al, also torn to shreds. A little further away lay Dan and Martin, their bodies also a ragged pile of spare body parts and organs.

Turning round he saw Lily lying there. Lily, sweet Lily. She had no mark on her and as he touched her cheek his worst fears were confirmed. With a futile gesture he checked for a pulse. None. He stroked her cheek once more, feeling anger and shame bubble inside him.

Nobody was left alive but him. Why?

He remembered the insertion, the team docking with the ancient station via the small and ornery lighter. They were tasked with a simple recon in force. There were just six of them: Paul, Al, Martin and Dan, whom were ex-guardsmen from the same regiment as Jaq. And there was Lily, a vicious woman who was formerly a hunter on some feral world. Jaq had taken a liking to her and she to him. He was by her side when the enemy struck, when a massive concussive force hit him and knocked him out. He wondered what had happened to the others.

'This I swear by the Emperor, hallowed be thy name.' He knelt down besides the body of Lily and took her hand in both of his. 'I swear that I will avenge you my love, my friend, my comrade. I will end the lives of those responsible and I will atone for the sin of surviving where you have fallen. I will do so, or die trying. This I swear.'

He reverently let go of hand and got up, flicking the safety off his laser carbine, feeling the weapon hum in his hands. He felt confident. His weapon was loaded, his coat of mail armour still intact and he was aware of his surroundings, he wouldn't be surprised a second time.

Jaq did not have to wait long for his foe to arrive.

A large mutant burst from a wall nearby, easily shredding itself a way through the rusted material with an oversized blade that crudely grafted in place of its hand. Jaq brought up his laser carbine and managed to snap off a trio of shots before the monster struck, simply ignoring the laser bolts biting into its thick skin.

Jaq let out a frustrated scream, feebly tugging at the massive blade puncturing his gut. The fabled mail coat that his regiment was outfitted with had done little to stop the strike from penetrating him. With a guttural grunt he was cast aside, the large mutant paying no more heed to him as it lumbered back to its unseen master through the broken wall. Jaq lay in a painful heap by the remains of his erstwhile comrades. He saw Lily lying there, her dead eyes still open, staring at the rusted ceiling. All the while sobbing Jaq crawled over, pulling the dead girl close to him.

'I'm so sorry,' was all he could manage in between the sobs and pain. He kept repeating it over and over again, slowly caressing her blonde hair with a bloodied hand. He had failed her and the Emperor, those thoughts wracked his minds for the last few agonizing moments of his life.

+ + +

This one should be familiar to some a wee bit, if not.. SHAME ON YOU. *wags scolding finger*

Expect more maybe today, as it's Sunday and we're having a day off!

Vikki Stardust

Sweet Vampire

14,875 Points
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  • Hellraiser 500
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