ok,this is what happened in another guild, so waspthorn gets to retire to an elder here.
the cats i played:waspthorn, moonshadow, ravenflight,nettlepaw (claw)


moonshadow looked around qiuckly, making sure no one saw, and dipped her nose into the moonpool

she looked around, once in starclan, and called out "GHOSTWHISPER! GHOSTY, ARE YA THERE?"

a beautiful young silver tabby rasped "no need to yell, little shayde, i'm right here" the young she-cat had thrown herself in front of a bader in order to save her two kits, fernkit and coldkit, and a queen,golddew. she had easily befriended the young medicine cat, and made sure things ere all right in moonclan

shayde looked up and cried "oh ghosty, why are there thousands of kits? why four medicine cats? is there a big battle to be? and your preparing us?

((more will come))