Punk Fox TH
Punk Fox TH

I can't even put words to the emotion I feel when reading this. . .
stare Anger, hate, disgust, or just don't give a ******** anymore? Those are the first emotions that come to my mind. I just don't think it's worth getting into a possible arguement with her over it.

Never end up argueing with an idiot. They'll only end up pulling you down to their level and beating you with experiance.

The only 'argument' I'm likely to get in will be in a court room, with rants like that one compared to sappy sweet 'you're the best, Pat' lines.

I may be wrong but it seems like both of you are a bit preoccupied with the other one. I.E. She seems to often devolve into talking about you in her blog, and likewise, well, you're still reading said blog.

My parents are divorced- and it was a nasty thing, but both generally tried to ignore what the other one was up to unless it pertained to my brother's and I. Likewise, I'm not on good terms with all of my exes. However, I find that letting them go their way and allowing myself to go my way has worked out swimmingly. Their lives are their business and what they think of me doesn't really matter, does it? They're exes for a reason.

I'm not sure how you will navigate the space thing having two children together- but honestly I think not following her around on cyberspace is a good start. If you're worried something might pertain to the kids perhaps find a friend who is willing to read your ex's blog and just check for anything that is an issue. What she says about you should be a moot point.

I thoroughly believe that if we aren't friends with people- or friendly associates, that we don't have much business reading about their life online. General blogs and professional pages are one thing. I realize the blog is public, which isn't the best choice on her part. Still, two people who do not get along have no business following one another around in person or in cyberspace save for mutual friends, professional matters, or shared children.

Healing means letting go. Being concerned about what is being said about you, what your ex may or may not think, or what your ex is doing is not letting go. It's picking at a scab. Either you are hoping to resolve issues or you are clinging to a connection that has long since fizzled out.

Unfortunately, I only keep tabs on her blogs for my own safety. She has a history of doing fairly bad things via the court system, and often her blog clues us in to said things early. Normally, I find her blogs about me amusing, but that one was. . . just low.

Trust me, I'd rather just let it go, but she continues to harass me via EMail and IM, and then says things on her blog that counter act what she says to me. I typically post only privately, and keep a tight reign on my profiles. I wish I could be more open, but unfortunately, experience has proven that isn't safe.