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Fask: Deku Fairy

"I will Help"

"Skull Kid isn't a normal being, he is a Kokori spirit and though he is usually very nice to anything from the forest... he isn't a good spirit either. He can help or harm depending on his mood. He seems in a good mood today though so lets hurry!" Fask flew high up and instructed Haleth to a narrow path to his right and zoomed through it to avoid the puppet's invisible magic strings. She made her way carefully around the pools of clean glowing water. This place radiated the magic of the forest and while it was kind to those who were righteous and to those who were naturally inclined to service the great goddess Farore and with Crimson with them... They would be friends here.

"Haleth there! Up There! He's on the logs! Hurry!" This process would continue on until Haleth reached the Sacred meadow where the final game would ensue. Fask had a feeling that beyond there, Jan would be awaiting them. She thought of his scent of Autumn and of Deep Starry Nights and felt a sense of ease upon her. She knew that Jan felt responsible for Haleth but she also knew that Haleth enjoyed his silent company. Maybe on their way to the temple Fask could ask Haleth what he thought about it all. She was a curious creature by nature.