No GodModdding!

-This means that there can be no abilities that make you:
a. Able to control another person's character and make them a slave, kill themselves, etc.
b. Invincible or severely overpowered. All characters have limits, including yours. We all must keep to realistic abilities in order to make a good story.
c. Gary Stu/Mary Sue-ish. Perfect characters will be permanently banned and their posts removed. We don't care how long it takes, it will be done.
PG-15 content!

-If you must revert to the most basic instincts of organic life, use PM's or something outside the guild. This includes:
a. Depicting sexual intercourse over posts (cybering, btw, and is not allowed on gaia to begin with...) Timeskip is a solution also.
b. Displaying pornography (entering pictures onto posts that are... *ahem*)
c. Excessive usage of sexual inuendos
NO "this guild is getting boring/ im bored threads!!!!

-The purpose of the guild is to let people hang out and have fun. If you can't find something to do, it isn't our problem that the things that we offer don't suit you. Either:
a. Work through boredom and try to enjoy what you can.
b. Don't be in the guild. Why join one if you won't enjoy it?
You are allowed to have multiple character profiles.

-As long as you:
a. Keep track of them and make sure they don't timewarp or suddenly appear out of nowhere when they are already somewhere else.
b. Don't have an endless amount that you just spam in for the hell of it. That will be counted as GodModding and you will be banned.
Be nice to the other people!!!!!

-There are people here that want to enjoy themselves. Please don't:
a. Kill them for no reason.
b. Antagonize them outside of an RP storyline.
c. Make your arguements personal unless you have a good reason to.
You MUST post a profile for every character!

-There will be a lot of characters in the RP in time, hopefully, and we need to keep track of them all! You must:
a. Keep to the profile forum
b. Include all of the proper information for your character.
c1. Keep them realistic. Refer to GodModding for details on basics.
c2. If you have a question about what is and isn't ok for a character, ask one of the crew members for help in making one.
NO page stretching people!

Page streching refers to making an large vertical *scroll* by quoting over and over posts that simply are too big ((we encourage not quoting at all, helps you when there are new posts after you press quote)) as well as making horizontal streching by giant images and non-spacing large amout of words, so if you want to post an giant image... dont! exept on character profiles that will be done on an threat below
Please be semi literate and DONT do IM posts, as well keep your grammar understandable
And that's all the rules for now. Please adhere to them, and watch out for new ones! We will give warning though, we promise. wink
((thanks to daraith wink ))
and dont post bright colours doesent this bothers your eyes?