A moon has passed since the movement to the lake and Riverclan is growing bigger and thriving more than all the others. And a strange prophecy has arose.
Leapord and mist will vanish,
a storm comes slowly,
wind will turn angry at the water.
One will rise,
and sun will fall.
New boundires will form,
and it might be the end
of the

Leader: Stormcloud- female (me) All black with amber eyes


Med Cats: Mothwing, Willowshine- females (Willowshine mother is Sunfall)

Sunfall- female, golden tabby
Blackclaw- male
Minnowtail- female
Reedwhisker- male
Mosspelt- female
Pebbelfur- male
Beechfur- male
Rippeltail- male
Mallowstream- male
Graymist- female
Dawnflower- female
Dapplenose- female
Pouncetail- male
Mintfur- male
Nettelleaf- male
Otterheart- female
Snezzenose- male
Pinefur- female
Robinwing- male
Rainstorm- male
Duskfur- female
Copperpelt- female
Beetelleg- male
Prickelleaf- female
Grassblad- male
Snowfang- female
Cloverpatch- female All black, with really green eyes
Daisystem- female All white blue eyes
Yellowflash- male yellowish, with amber eyes
Icewing- female
Wolftail- male All black, brown eyes
Foxheart- female looks like a fox, very bushy tail
Bagermask- male looks like a bager
Harefoot- male Brown with white tail and feet, has short tail
Drippingpool- female Brown with black dappels
Petalflower- female White with gray stripes
Fishscales- male Sliver, with green eyes, right eye clawed out in Windclan raid
Owltalon- male Brown and gray, grayblue eyes

Poppypaw- male, Redish, white paws and chest, amber eyes
Jingelpaw- female Gray, with brown eyes
Hollypaw- Brownish with amber/blue eyes

Heavystep- male
Swallowtail- female
Stonestream- male

Dovekit- female all gray with white spot on the side that looks like wings
Horsekit- male All Brown has long fur, amber eyes
Sheepkit- female All white, fluffy, brown eyes

Fallen warriors (Dont look spoilers)
Leader: Leapordstar- female killed in Windclan raid
Deputy: Mistyfoot- female was murdered by someone

Stormpaw awoke in the apps den. To her right was owlpaw and on the other was fishpaw. She was always the first up. Stormpaw stepped out of the den into the clearing. Even as the mist was still fading cats were already busy running around camp. Lepordstar had us all convinced to stop eating as much fish and to start learning to hunt on other types of hunting grounds. It was kinda hard we now were the largest clan and not even all the fish could fill a windclan cat. All the cats almost looked like windclan cats, and that was prtty bad for Riverclan.
Stormpaw bounced around camp, in a few days she would be made a warrior and she was so excited, what would her name be? Stormheart, Stormpelt. She couldnt wait. Bagermask called Stormpaw over, "I think we should go hunting today, then training." "Kay." Stormpaw meowed to her mentor. She abmired him, he was strong and wise, and what was even cooler was that he looked exactly like a bager.
They swam quickly across the river and bounded near the windclan border. There they waited quitely in a bush waiting for a mousebrained rabbit to hop across the border. And sure enough one did, "You get this one stormpaw." She twitched her ear to say that she heard him and slowly stalked the rabbit The rabbit haulted, it raised on its hind legs, ears pericked. It bolted away, and soon stormpaw was after the brown hare. She lept into the air and came down on the rabbit, swiftly biteing its neck.
"Theif!" The call came from the other end of the border. "It was on our side of the border." Came Bagermasks replie it was hostile but he kept calm. This just made the Windclan cats angery, "All that slimy fish isnt enough for you!?!" Stormpaw hissed, they were outnembered, they had 3 windclan cats on patrol.
Stormpaw looked from warrior to warrior. "Attack Windclan!" And like that the fight began. Fur flew in all directions and stormpaw was crushed underneath a warrior. The weight was lefted suddenly and stormpaw saw other Riverclan cats bounding up. Seeing they were outneumbered the windclan cats retreated. Stormpaw grabed the rabbit. she had gotten a long scrach down her side. Bagermask was on the ground bearly moving. Stormpaw padded up to him, "Are you ok?" "Yea im fine." He meowed weakly strugly getting up, only to fall back down.

Some of the warriors carried bagermask to camp and willoeshine said that he would be ok after a few sun rises. "All cats gathering benith the high rock for a clan meeting!" stormpaw padded to the front of the rock, "Stormpaw can you come here." Stormpaw nodded nervosly and jumped on the rock with her leader.
"Stormpaw you have tryed hard to learn the warrior code, and you show great repect for all warriors. Riverclan is in need of new warrrios and so i ask you, do you promis to obey the warrior code and to prtect your clan even at the cost of your life?"
"I-I do." She stutered
"Then by the powers of starclan, I grant you your warrior name, Stormcloud. Starclan honors you for your bravery and couage. And Riverclan welcomes you as a full warrior!"
"Stormcloud, Stormcloud, Stormcloud" came yowls from below. Stormcloud touched noses with lepordstar and jumped down from the rock. She saw Bagermask outside the meiciean cat den, "Im so proud Stormcloud." Stormcloud nodded. The sun was going down and she needed to go sit vigil.

~ 2 moons later.

Stormcloud looked around camp, being a warrior had just set in and all the duties was tireing. Always having to hunt, windclan border patrol 4 times a day, and more hunting, doing all of this while starving. And going to bed past moonhigh and waking up at dawn was hard. Both Owlpaw and Fishpaw had became warriors now and it wouldnt be long until some of the kits became apps. Lepordstar jumped on the righ rock and 3 little kits tripped over themselfs as they ran closer to the highrock and scrabeled ontop. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the highrock for a clan meeting!" All cats wondered into the middel of camp. Icewing, the kits mother gave a qliuck lick to her chest, her eyes shineing proudly. "Poppykit, Jingelkit, Hollykit. You have waited 6 moons and are now abel to train as warriors. Poppykit, Jingelkit, Hollykit, your new names shall be Poppypaw, Jingelpaw, and Hollypaw. Stormcloud yoou will be mentor of poppypaw. Sunfall you shall be mentor of Hollypaw. Anf Jingelpaw your mentor shall be Snowfang. Teach them your courage and strength to perveil." we all touched noses with our apptaices as the caln yowled their names, "Poppypaw, Jingelpaw, Hollypaw!"

Something hit Stormcloud in theside as dawn was aproching. "Come on get up! i want to go train!" Stormcloud opened her eyes to see the redish fur of poppypaw jumping up and down excitingly, "Well why dont we eat first and then i can show you the territory." poppypaw only bounded out of the warriors den and into the clearing before she could get out another word. She picked out a vole from the freshkill pile as Poppypaw ate his squirl.
When done some other cats had awoke and were heading over to the fresh kill pile. "Stormcloud! Can you go on a windclan border patrol with reddwhisker and Graymist this after noon?" Mistyfoot asked padding over as me and poppypaw were leaving, "ill be glad to." She meowed. poppypaw looked at the small river right outside camp, "Wow and we get to cross it every day?" "if you want to get outside the camp we do." Replied Stormcloud starting to get her paws wet. Poppypaw jumped into the water, splashing Stormcloud as she was crossing the river. "Thanks." she mumbeled as she got across. she looked over at poppypaw, his long red pelt was stuck to his sides. She let out a merow of laughter, "you look like a rat." She told him padding away. "Do not!." He called trying to catch up.
Stormcloud and Poppypaw was heading back to camp around the time the sun started to set. They had had time to train alittle so she showed Poppypaw how to stalk. Only it wasnt very useful when he scared away all the prey.
As they entered camp everyone was in the middel of camp. She padded over to Reewhisker, they were soon neede to go on a border patrol. "Reed whisker we need to be goin- what happened?!" She was enterupted seeing a depressed look on his face.
"Its Mistyfoot, a hunting patrol fount her dead outside camp... she was murderd." Stormcloud couldnt belive her ear, Mistyfoot murdered?! . She was silent. She looked over at the limp she cat. Willowshine was picking at something between her claws, "Whats that?" She asked sadly. "Nothing." She said and turnt away. Stormcloud looked down at the paw, it had a little fur in it but not enough to tell whos. But it was defently Riverclan.
Poppypaw stared in horror. "But..." Stormcloud rested her tail on his sholder, Mistyfoot was his mother and Jingelpaws and hollypaws. Her mate was on the other side greving she felt bad for Grassblade.
The vigil was long and at first she couldnt go to slepp in her den but soon fount the darkness, but it was uneasy as she could imagian the horribel yowls comeing from Mistyfoot.
Stormcloudwoke in the dead of night to paw steps outside the den. "Whos there?" She asked but there was no replie, only the sound of more footsteps and whispering. She pokeed her head out the den. Her eyes soon agusted to the dark and she could see them, a huge windclan patrol.

Yowls soon broke out into the clearing as Stormcloud bolted out of the den. Lepordstar and a few other warriors were fighting. She ran over to the nursery hissing at the Windclan cats. A huge pressure appeared on her sholders, she rolled over on the tom. She bite his sholder quickly. The tom hissed in pain and ran off. Stormcloud looked at all the cats fighting, it was impossibel to tell whos who. All that could be heard was yowling from the clan cats. She pounced on top of a tabby cat. Scratching the fur of her back. The tabby yowled and jumped back, making her fall of. "Run home with your tail between your legs kit." She hissed slashing at her ears.
"Windclan retreate!"
All the windclan cats wigeled out from their battels and started to run into the iver back to their own territory. All cats were licking their wounds. "Lepordstar?" She asked pushing though the cats. There was a limp golden, dappeled body near the high rock, her fur stained in blood.
"Stormcloud...." Her breaths came in short gaspes.
"Y-yes?" Stormcloud asked.
"T-this....is my... last...life...."
Stomcloud was to shocked to speak, shes going to die, my leader, "Your going to be fine, Mothwing will-"
"No....Starclan is waiting...for me...... but i must telll...you. I was....going to...have you be my deputy...stormcloud."
"But I cant! I have no expriance whay not choos someone else?"
At this point Lepordstar couldnt speak her hackels where bearly riseing. Stormcloud put her muzzel into the she cats flank, "I promis Lepordstar, Ill be the best leader Riverclan ever saw." Lepordstar seemed to smile, she let out a small sigh, and the raiseing of her hacels stopped. Stormcloud jumped onto the highrock. "All cats gather under the high rock for a clan meeting!" All the cats were already under the highrock but she continued, "Lepordstar has chose me t be the next leader of Riverclan and I accept. We shall avenge her death! But first we must sit vigil for her. We will remeber her for fighting and protecting her clan."
Stormcloud jumped down from the highrock and everyone gathered near the fallen leader. As she padded closer to Lepordstar she noticed Fishscales near the med cat den. She padded over to him, "You ok-" She stared at his right eye, it was closed and looked like it had been clawed out. "Hey Stormcloud congraduation on becomeing leader." Stormcloud still couldnt speak, "I know I look horribel dont i?" "Of course not, you look good as ever." She meowed, knowing that she was lieing. "Fishscales come in my den, I need to treat your wound." "Ok Mothwing, bye stormcloud."
Stormcloud awoke a few hours later in her den. She padded into the clearing and saw Stonestream, swallowtail and Heavystep carring the bodies off to be buried. She jumped up on to the highrock, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather underneath the highrock for a clan meeeting." She waited whil some of the cats come from their dens into the clearing, rubbing sleep from their eyes. Even Fishsclaes stood outside the med cat den. Stormcloud looked down on the whole clan, "Today I shall chose my deputy, Sunfall." She looked over at Willowshine and she was lokoing at the ground, shuffeling her feet nervosly. Stormcloud touched noses with Sunfall and jumped down from the highrock.
She padded over to Willowshine, "Im going to go get my 9 lives, can you come with me?" She asked. "Sure, just let me get you some strength herbs." Willowshine meowed. Stormcloud ate quickly and soon they were on their way toward the moon pool.
By moon high they had reached the moonpool. She climbed the seep hill and carefuly clawed down until she reached the pool of water. She layed down and laped up the cold, icey water. She closed her eyes and soon couldnt feel the ground beneath her.