This is a book I'm working on. I would like honest feedback to make this better. Keep in mind this is a rough draft so there will be mistakes. Thank you.

Part 1- Chapter 1

I'm walking down the crowded hallways of Millicent High to my fourth class of the day. Nothing new really. I'm keeping my head, dodging people and ignore them. While I walk by people just sneer at me and call me names. It's okay with me though, I'm use to it.

In front of my technology class I let out a sigh. As I go to open the door the door swings wide open. I step back almost stumbling in the process. Standing in front of me is a very angry looking guy. He has short blood red hair contrasting against his pale complexion. Teal color eyes stare into my stormy grey ones. I stare at him for some reason with fear, waiting for him to say one of the names I get called so many times. But he doesn't say a word. He just glares at me causing me to take another step back and walks away. I glare at the guys back the mentally hit myself in the head. I turn back towards the door seeing it almost close. I quickly reach out and grab a hold of it opening it and walk in.

Inside the class students are talking to amongst themselves. I go towards my seat in the back corner. As I'm walking towards my seat someone sticks their foot out in the aisle causing me to trip and drop all of my books. Papers, pens, pencils, and of course notebooks go flying everywhere.

"Oops. Sorry freak. Not," says Alysha causing her friends to laugh.

A number of comebacks flash across my mind but I push them away. I get up and quickly grab all of my things and head straight for my desk.

"Is everything alright Kahlan," asks Mr. Archibald.I nod my head in response to his question. I don't speak unless I honestly have to. And even then my answers are quick, short, and to the point.

At that moment the bell rings. The rest of the students file into class. Others went back to their seats. However it takes everyone a few minutes to settle down and become quiet. Mr. Archibald stands up from his desk and walks toward the board. Mr. Archibald is a man in his early thirties with brown hair, beard, and eyes. He looks about six foot nine. He wears a lot of flannel shirts and with loose fit jeans.

"Alright everyone," he says in a loud booming voice drawing everyone attention. "We're going to the computer lab today to start on a project." Groans can be heard all over. "Now, now. You will all have plenty of time to finish it. It will be due in a month. You are to create your own website. On your website you are to have a blog that you must post in everyday. You can add other things to it as long as it's school appropriate. And you are to leave comments on someones website everyday for one week. During that one week you are to find someone who you relate to," Mr. Archibald pauses for a few minutes.

"Meaning," he continues. "You must read the persons blog to get an understanding of the person. Once you find the person you relate to, the two of you are to only aloud yourself, your partner, and I to access each others website. You are then to message each other for the rest of the month. However you're not to tell each other who you are. At the end of the month you can still message each other and tell your names. That is only if you want. The whole school is doing this. Now before any of you think about blowing this off, I want you to know this is worth hundred percent of your grade." Almost everyone groans.

"Now if you wish you may go to a computer and get started now," Mr. Archibald says as he walks back to his desk.

I get up ignoring everyone else as I walk over to the computer and sign in.The image of a full moon being reflected of a lake shows up as my desktop image. I quickly get on the Internet to start making my own website. As I'm looking for layouts for my site I hear Mr. Archibald say, "Please use free webs also known as webs dot com. And when you have a name for your website please give it to me to add it to others. I'll make list of them and send everyone an e-mail of the list so you can all visit each others site. And remember you're only getting started today. Tomorrow is when it starts. You may go back to work."

I nod my head and get back to work. Time quickly flies by as I'm working. Just as I'm about to finish the bell rings making me jump. I quickly finish then log off. I gather my things and rush out the door and head to lunch.


After finishing my turkey sandwich I get a pass to the library. In the library I head to one of the small tables in the back. I take out my calculus homework and do the last problem I was unable to finish last night. As I'm doing the problem I wonder how I wasn't able to figure it out. It's easy to do. I guess it's a new day and my brain was able to rest. Finishing up the problem I put it away.

Taking out my sketchbook and other art supplies, I set them up on the table. Picking up my pencil, I let my hand travel the paper in front of me without actually looking at it. My dad always jokes around with me saying that has a mind of its own. But he also says I'm a good artist. That my art looks so real as if it's alive.

My eyes start to focus as I finish up the drawing. A man is standing behind a woman with his arms around her waist. They're standing at the edge of a balcony looking out at the expanse of land in front of them. The woman is smiling with her head leaning against the man's shoulder as some of her hair blows in the wind.

"WOW! That's really good," says a female voice from behind.

I jump in my seat then turn to face the voice standing behind me. A girl with hair as blond as the sand at the beach in a ponytail is looking at my drawing. Her hair contrasts with her slightly tan complexion. This aura of I'm tough and independent radiates off of her. She looks up at me with sky blue eyes. A smile plays across her face.

"You're really good," she says. "My name is Takira." She holds out her hand. I stare at her dumbfounded for a couple of seconds then bring up my hand to shake hers.

"Thanks," I reply. "My name is Kahlan."

"You talk quietly like my brother." I arch my right eyebrow as I tilt my head to the left. She laughs then says, "Gera, my brother and I just moved here a couple of days ago. We just started school." I nod my head not knowing what to say. She laughs again. "Not much of a talker are you?" I nod my head in response. "Do you have any other drawings?" Again I nod my head. "Can I see them?"

I pick up my sketchbook and flip it to the first page. I hand it to her with cation. She looks at the first picture which is pretty gruesome. Slowly she flips through the pages. Taking her time to look at the details. Interest keeps playing across her face. After a couple of minutes the bell rings. Takira hands me back my sketchbook with a smile.

"The drawings I've seen a very interesting. Maybe I can see more another time."

I nod my head then turn towards my things. I quickly put everything away. Throwing my backpack over my shoulder as I turn to face Takira.

"You can stop by my house anytime to look at others. I'm positive my dad won't mind," I say quietly.

"Cool. Maybe this weekend." I give her a small smile and a nod of the head. I then turn and head to calculus.


"Hey bro," I say to Gera as I see him in the hallway . He just looks at me with a blank look. "How is everything going for you so far?" He gives me a shrug of the shoulder and walks away. I shake my head in disappointment as I walk to class.