
I'm inclined to say no, since even when I was a fluffy that was never a belief I held and I usually reserve the word "evil" for "really-times-ten-to-the-twentieth-power bad" stuff, though I wouldn't rule it out completely as a possibility.
Okay, nix evil and replace with bad.


I'm curious as to why you think so.
Because there are better words that could address the Trinity without relying on the proper name for a deity who, in accordance with the original tradition, did not exist as a trinity.


I'm not sure exactly what that means in my context.
There's a good reason to think of YHVH as a wrathful deity, especially when you examine theologies that teach Yeshua as Anointed, but not YHVH incarnate.


That's the thing; I'm not sure. I feel like something either happened or is happening, but I'm not sure what it is.
Whatcha doing to test it?


So, women are sort of naturally more attuned to God, and men have to work at it?
Picture a See-Saw. Being "up" is being spiritual, while being down is being "grounded" in this world.

Within this world view, men are naturally more grounded in earthly matters. They have to "push off" in order to connect with the divine in a way that helps to balance them.

Women have to connect with the earth in order to "ground" some of that predisposition.

Tea's Personal Take on What Was Told To Her:
Aside from the fact I find the idea that gender is what denotes how spiritual someone is laughable, the idea of genders thinking differently (Left-Brain, Right Brain) and the very real problem of what happens psychologically with someone who indulges their spiritual side at the cost of their ability to relate to reality isn't unreasonable.

Culturally, this could be expressed as a design amongst YHVH's chosen people to enforce gender roles with some psycho-spiritual justification.


I may possibly remember reading/hearing somewhere that some consider the Holy Spirit to be a feminine(ish) entity. Any merit to that or is my brain making things up?
Thinking of Shekinah? The Presence of YHVH?