This is a beginning roleplaying station. If you don't fully get roleplaying or something along those lines you can come here to practice roleplaying. No roleplayed violence or gore will be tolerated.
By violence I mean you cannot kill someone or break anything in their body.
Here you will play a human character, but once you leave you may become anything you want except an overpowered man, but this will be explained later if you do not understand it.
To leave Destiny Island and roleplay elsewhere you must build a raft. Once you build it and sail away you will not be allowed to roleplay here ever again. So make sure you're prepared for the outside worlds.

That is all for now. These rules will be edited as time progresses but for right now stick with these.

P.S.-I moved your post, Kohaku, to the Crew's Forum.
P.S.S.-Deleted you post Saint

Unknown Voice: Awake, awake now for your destiny awaits...