I'm not so sure what you mean. I never feel bad for liking a pairing, but there are some I just wouldn't tell anybody about. Except you guys. biggrin

First of all, Lenny and Squiggy from Laverne and Shirley. I read one fanfiction of it and got hooked. My mom was in the room and I was just thinking out loud, so I was like 'lol Lenny and Squiggy making out' and my mom was like eww! So...yeah.

Second of all, Ralph and Norton from The Honeymooners. It's one of those pairings that is really creepy but freaking hilarious at the same time. I love that show, and while I was watching it Norton was like 'Get in the groove and be GAY!' WOW. I fell off the couch laughing my a** off.