The Island of Erin 1171

Genevieve de Renalt’s breathe burned in her lungs as she ran. Every muscle in her body cried out with exhaustion, but she refused to stop. With every step, freedom came a little closer. In the distance she heard hoofbeats approaching. He was coming for her.

I am such a fool, she thought. She needed a horse, supplies, and coins if she had any hope of success. But there had been no time. She had seen the opportunity to flee and seized it. Even if her flight was doomed to failure, she had to try.

This was her only chance to escape her betrothed. The thought of Sir Hugh Marstowe was like a dull knife against an open wound. For she had loved him once. And now she would do anything to escape him.

He had controlled her for the past moon, deciding how she should behave as his future wife. She felt like a dog, cowering beneath his orders. Nothing she said nor did was ever good enough for him. Her nerves tightened at the thought of his fists.

After running she finally gave in and collapsed in a heap, trying to recover to which Hugh reached her and pulled her on his horse. No escape, she thought.

What it’s all about….

Genevieve has been beaten and hurt by Hugh so long that she knows there is no escape. The land she was brought to was stolen from an Irish warrior who will do anything back. He rescues Genevieve and Hugh is set free. His king decrees that the only way he can get his land back is by marrying the girl he has found himself protecting. He does so but doesn’t wish to marry again. His first wife had betrayed him and died. For that he blamed himself and he’s not going to fall in love again. Not for anything. Now with his new wife, he has to protect her from her scorned betrothed and try not to fall in love. Love nearly killed him once and he isn’t going to fall again. At least he thinks so.


1)Follow All ToS.

2)No Cybering

3)No Godmodding. Its annoying and everyone hates it don’t do it.

4)No Bumping.

5)BE ACTIVE. If you aren’t active then nothing is going to happen.

6)Follow Rules of the Guild

7)PG-13 only. Language is fine as long as it sticks with damn, hell and words like that.

8- PM all Requests. I will reply with a confirmation or denial of participation.

9)Label PM Ireland so I know it is for this roleplay.

10)BE LITERATE. Minimum three sentences per response. I will overlook misspelled words and some grammar mistakes but I have to be able to at least understand it.

11)Fill out Character information below and send it in PM as your request.

12)I have the right to change or add rules as I see fit

Character Information

Name of Character:
Age of Character:
Appearance of Character: (picture or description)
Personality of Character: