Welcome new and older members! Here is a breif overview of what is where in the guild.

Becoming Aquainted with Literate RPing:
------ This is where all the basics to RPing are kept. This includes tutorials, personal help reuests to mods, and other such informational threads.

Leaning Role-Plays:
------ This is where RPs are held to help members learn in a live-action setting. Mods will be constant members of these RPs and will give advice as an RP progresses. You can create any sort of RP in here. Mods will be partolling at all times to help those who need it.

------ This is the only place in the guild where anything goes that doesn't go against the Gaia TOS. You can talk however you want, spell things wrong without getting a Mod that will wonder if you speak english. It's a free for all where anythign and everything happens.

Literate RPs:

------ This is mostly for those members who the mods have cleared for graduation. Rules are absolute in this Forum and RPs are brutal for the inexpirenced. Those who join the RPs in this Thread will be held to a strict code of conduct and if they fail they will be removed for the RPs without a second thought.

The Infromation Booth:
------ You can find your Suggestions, Rules, Questions and other informational threads in here. I suggest you go through each post in here before you start to really interact with the guild. It will do you good.