Looking for: Raelyn’s Soulmate
Read entire first post!!!!

The land of Shape-shifters and Humans was once a peaceful place. Everyone was content. The rivers flowed peacefully with the rains of spring, the grass was always green in the spring, snow covering it in the winter. The whole of Lameana was at peace. Then Lord Dracien came to power. An evil shape-shifter who’s soul had been tarnished by the demon taking root there. He was searching for the one thing that would make his power complete.

A maiden whose pure soul would give him the child that would be all powerful and reign over Lameana and bring the world to its knees.

The girl was Raelyn Saphiren. A nineteen year old free spirited woman that had always dreamed of her fairytale prince and a happily ever after. The mark of what she was bore into her shoulder. A scar in the shape of a crescent moon surrounded by a circle.

Her soulmate, a serious soldier whose wanting nothing to do with her, knows he has to save her when he sees the mark on her shoulder just before she’s attacked by robbers. He tells her of what she is to become and she thinks he’s crazy and runs off into the night only to be stopped by one of Dracien’s soldiers. Rescued once again by her soulmate, reality crashes in.

The RP will start a couple of posts before the initial attack by the robbers.

I Need Your Application PMed to me. This is what you should include.

Name of Character:
Age of Character
: (between 20 and 25)
Appearance: (description or pic or both)
Special Power: (something along the lines of mind reading, telekinesis, etc.)
Introductory Post
: (for your RP sample)

Note: I didn’t say Biography because I like for the background to unfold in the story, makes for a more interesting plot.

Rules: Basically the normal –follow ToS, No Cybering, Literacy, No Godmodding etc. You know the drill, I shouldn’t have to spell it out for you…

Any questions PM me. Don't under any circumstances post under this topic unless I give you permission. And also no bumping or little hears just to post. Its truly annoying.

Please and Thank You