Alrighty, I've created this thread because at times people tend to have a hard time focusing or getting idea for their stories. I give you, the warm-up thread!
So I made these prompts for which you can fool around with. Just post 'em in the thread, or keep 'em private if ya just want to practice.

Picture Prompts:
Write a short (and I mean, really short. It can be a paragraph or two if ya want, or as long as you want) story about one or two of the following pictures:










Creative Writing Prompts:

(I stole these from a few sites, some I made up myself.)

1.) Write a story with only dialogue, no narration or description.
2.) What would you do with three wishes?
3.) Write a story based around an ironic situation.
4.) What is fate? How does it affect people? Is there a such thing as fate?
5.) Personify an inanimate object and write about it's "life."
6.) Write about yourself 20 years from now.
7.) Begin a story with, "The car screeched to a halt..."
8.) Write a twisted fairy tale.
9.) Write a story that begins with,"They had nothing to say to each other."
10. Write a short story about yours or another's Gaia avitar. (Gee, wonder who came up with this one? xp )

More to come soon, if you have any suggestions I will gladly put them up!~