I felt that otherkin and therians needed their own subforum because they are a very spiritual condition, yet they are not a religion, nor are they a paranormal event. For those of you who don't know what they are:

An otherkin is a person who believes that they have the spirit or soul that is other than human. This usually includes vampires, elves, fairies, aliens, therienthropes, ect.

A therianthrope is a person who believes they have the spirit or soul that is other than human and is a known animal. This includes cats, dogs, wolves, giraffes, whales, fish, frogs, insects, dinosaurs, mammotha, ect.

This forum has the same rules as the main forum with some additions
1. P-shifting is not to be discussed as true unless you can show evidence
2. There will be no roleplaying
3. Be respectful. Not everyone has the exact same definition of otherkin and therienthropy and I do not want to get into a war the correct way to say what you are.

Neko. Forum Moderator.