Here, you may post your name for your PSN/XBL, or your friends codes for whatever games you play.

For myself, I only own a PS3 and PSP, so my PSN name is Yukitokunisaki (Lucky, huh? I also own MisuzuKamio and YuuichiAizawa too, just I don't use Misuzu too too much, and Yuuichi is my Japanese account. Yukito is my main.

The games I own are:

Lost Planet
Soul Calibur 4
Eternal Sonata
Valkyria Chronicles
Ryu Ga Gotoku 3
Eye of Judgment
Little Big Planet

....and perhaps one more, but I don't remember what, haha.

Feel free to share here!

(No console warring or anything of that nature, or both the participants will be removed.)