
The night air was stifling even if it was the midst of winter. Danni couldn’t stand it anymore. The heat of the desert. She was headed across it to find her brother and hear she was in the middle of nowhere, hot and tired. At nineteen she had graced the London elite with her ravishing looks and innocent smiles. Men wanting the chance to have her and her fortune. She’d escaped it all and now she had nothing. Sighing, she sat up and then walked decidedly outside the tent. Her auburn hair piled atop her head fashionable and her dress light and airy for the heat of which the desert brought. It was about mid dawn. Some of the sun’s rays were breaking through over the horizon giving the sand a pink hue of color. Gathering up her skirts, Danni passed over to the fire pit and began to make another fire for breakfast not realizing that she was sending up smoke that could be seen for miles and cause hunters and raiders to find them.

And raiders did. The attack came swiftly. Before Danni realized it, twenty men were in the encampment and she watched as they killed her traveling companions before reaching out for her. She’d tried running but nothing had happened but her capture. “The sheikh will love you,” one of them laughed as she was bound and gagged then forced onto the back of a horse. Fear entered her at the thought of some man’s hands on her but she swallowed that fear. She’d make it through this unscathed she decided. Praying she could.


Basically the plot is about this girl Danni who is kidnapped by a powerful sheikh’s raiders and forced to live in his harem. He is currently with two concubines but gives them up to break in her innocence and manner. He can come across as ruthless surely but not violent. He uses actions of passion rather than acts of violence to control her and she soon will succumb to him. But she does it because she loves him. And he has to find that he loves her too. The setting is about 1850 so Victorian and there are no limits considering it is a PM RP.

: One character who is male and Sheikh

Character LayOut

Gaia Username:
Name of Character:
Age of Character:
Bio of Character:
Appearance: (Picture in url form please)
Song that Best Fits my Character

1. No godmodding
2. Three or more sentences per response.
3. Be active. I am on at least once a day so one post a day isn’t all that much.
4. Be literate. Not tlking like dis. No text speak EVER. I hate it and shows laziness.
5. PM all requests to me. I will then give you a PM back if you are given the part. Label your PM Danni and then proceed to put the character layout in it then put a heart anywhere inside so I know you read the rules.
6. Don’t complain if you aren’t chosen