So, now that you are viewing the Literate's Forum I am assuming that you have atleast glanced through the other RP forum and know the general rules... If I posted them. I can't remember if I did or not. Oh well, I'm sure you know the basics and I'm not going to bother really stating them again. You are in this forum for a reason, so you should know Literate things. Anyway, post RPs all you want and enjoy the bliss of having other Literate's to RP with.

I will warn you though. If I look through your RP and it doesn't look like it is literate enough I will give you all a warning to buck up your writing. If that doesn't make you write better I will either move it to the other RP forum or assign a mod to your RP. Either way you better watch your self. You might get a big and mean Mod bearing down on you.... Bwahaha! ... *cough* ... sorry. whee