Allright, so pretty much follow the the Gaia TOS which includes: No- Spamming, Trolling, Scamming, Harassment, Password Phishing or any Disrespect. Also, please be at least semi-literate. n0 t4k1ng lyk dis! And don't steal other people's ideas or work please!

Any one found stealing or copying another person's idea without the creator's consent WILL be dealt with accordingly!

BUT- We don't care about swearing too much but don't over do it please. And please only post topics that are relevant to the guild theme. Feel free to publicize this guild wherever (also we need a banner). And it would be appreciated if you all would post on a moderate basis to keep this place alive but it isn't required. Donating to the guild would be great so we could add some role-play forums and General discussion and what-not.

Anyway, We'll likely add more things later but, for now, enjoy~