Violet Song jat Shariff
Movin on Up
Movin on Up
Pagans have that too! Lewelyn publishing is just one example, but I'm speaking more of Conmen that I've met in person.
Ummm... authors have to eat too.
Yes, but they don't have to bastardize religions, pretending to be the real thing.

Since when is Wicca a traditional Irish religion, as Edain McCoy says in her books? When an author is flat out wrong, a publishing company won't publish it or correct it to cover their arses from liability. Yet, their BS slips by.

how do you sort the credible authors from the frauds?

I would say a good way to detect good stuff from crap is to see what kind of works the author uses in the writing of their book.
Also- develop a good bullshit detector. Look for motivations for specific positions, identify logical fallacies, seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before out anthropological and archeological support for claims etc.

For example, McCoy claims in the book that the book teaches the ancient Irish pagan religion.

Think about when the potato was introduced to Ireland. Think about the definition of ancient. Then realize that it isn't possible.