Name Pronunciation:Vin-sent;stan-zee-own;Mah-rell-oh
Species:Werewolf(Native American Strain)
Appearance:Tall,around 5'10,and almost lanky,in a kind of puppyish way that he hates,and Marsala always says is adorable.After all,Wolves aren't adults till around 25,and he's still only 21,barely into adulthood compared to other Werewolves.Vin keeps his hair in a shaggy brown dreads a little past shoulder length that look more like a swept back mane or ruff,that he enjoys to shake immensely.Feels just like fur.Sometimes Marsala will take the liberty of putting beads and feathers in his hair while he's sleeping,but mostly he just keeps it in a red paisley bandana.Has tannish skin,the color of coffee with lots of creamer,and sort of Native American looking features.His eyes are gold,and his teeth and claws are his proudest features,both hard and sharp enough to act as knives,which is reason number one why he doesn't carry a weapon.Always wears a tattered hoody,jeans,old band t-shirts,and refuses to wear shoes,no matter what the circumstances.He just tears them up with his claws after five miles or so anyway.
In Wolf form,about 160 pounds,comes up to someones chest,and has teeth reaching three inches.Brown with gold eyes,and a red kerchief around his neck.Keeps his clothes on when transforming,for the record.
Weapons:In human form,claws and teeth.In wolf form;same.But also about forty pounds heavier,and ten times scarier.
Abilities:Can transform into a wolf whenever he wants,like any Werewolf.
Personality:Anti-Social,hate's psychics,but loves Marsala like a brother.A very,very protective brother with teeth and jaws that can crush someone's bone as easily as you can snap a stick.Vin appreciates good food,doesn't care for the city,and hate's animals.Mostly because he can understand them,and find's them a complete and total pain in the a**.
Strengths:Is as strong as a vampire,which means he could probably lift the back end of a pickup truck up about as easy as you could lift forty pounds.Has an excellent sense of smell,probably about twenty or so times better than a humans,and can see twice as well,and hear ten times better.Can run about as fast as your average proffessional sprinter,only much longer,and a a whole lot faster in wolf form when he has four paws.
Can also heal extremely fast.
Weakness:Silver burns him as much as fire would,only alot more painful.Silver filing's are a b*tch,because if you blow them on a werewolf,they simply drift over in a glittery and harmless looking cloud,and then proceed to melt their skin off the bones.
Most werewolf hunters know to carry very strong scents with them,along with a gas mask,because a Werewolf would be completely incapacitated by something as simple as a smashed bottle of perfume.Vin has a kerchief he can pull over his nose,but it'll still knock him for a loop well enough.Also,he can't see ghosts.he's learned to identify them by scent,but he can't touch them,can't see them,and thus,has no interest in them,or any other supernatural entity he is unable to see.