I would realy like to see this fic writen. not sure what pairing, maybe Snape/Harry...
tell me what you think? If you decide to use this please let me know so I can read it! and feel free to change it up a bit.

After the defeat of the dark lord, Harry potter locks himself in his own mind. he is sent to a mind healer where they declar him 'braindead'

"Sir I assure you, walking in that boys mind is like walking round in circles inside a stainless steal dragons egg. not even HE is in there."

He is sent to hogwarts for the summer while Dumbledore decides what to do. Snape dosnt believe that Harry is gone so he forces himself into his mind where he finds things just as the mind healer stated. He does some research and discovers that Harry is displaying a form of Occlumency that is common in those who are untrained or self taught. Snape begins to spend time inside harry's mind, talking or reading or just staring at the walls.
On one such occasion he hears a noise, turning he sees a cubbord door. that is a very od thing to see on a completely smooth surface. although there is a lock on the outside of the door he is unable to open it. He begins to talk to the door. A few days of this and he is being answered by a very young Harry who wont come out because he is afraid of getting in trouble. later it is because he cant open the door. With Snape's help he slowly talks out his problems and gets the door open and returns to his body.

If you like this please let me know, I have lots more!