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Unashamed Bible Study 02/07/09 (Sin)

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Edith Puthie


PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:29 am
Romans 3:23
for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.

Now before we go into sin we should bring up when sin first started, and how it started. In the beginning God created everything. It took him 6 days, creating the light, the land and sea, the animals, and even the Humans. He created Adam, then Adam felt lonely. So God created a perfect partner for Adam, he created Women. God told Adam, and Eve (the women) that they could eat of any fruit except the Tree of Knowledge. The serpent was cunning and sly though, and temped Eve into eating the fruit. Eve then gave some to Adam. That was the first sin.

Discussion Questions!:
What do you believe sin is?
Is there a sin that you can't stop doing?
Is it possible to completely stop sinning?
What does it mean to turn our backs to sin?
Are we forgiven of our sins? Why or Why not?

A really good activity, a church had us do one time is, Writing down all our sins on one side of a paper, then on the other side writing all you're blessings. As a reminder of who we may have once been, and how God has brought us out of that into the blessed people we are today.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:48 pm
Well, this was going to be a team effort between Para and I, but Para was really feeling this topic and went ahead of me to prepare this whole thing. I thank her for it. Well done, Para. smile

I may add to the points below at a later date.

What do you believe sin is?

Sin is doing wrong. There is sin against Yahweh and there is sin against one's brother/sister. Sin against Yawheh is not obeying (breaking) a commandment that Yahweh has given. Sin against one's brother/sister is acting towards someone without love (hating).

Is there a sin that you can't stop doing?

There are many sins that I commit, more against Yahweh than against my brother/sister.

Is it possible to completely stop sinning?

For all the descendents of Adam, whose imperfection of disobedience we inherited, it is never possible to stop sinning completely.

What does it mean to turn our backs to sin?

It means to ignore sin, in the sense that we remember but we do not focus, obsess on it or hold it against ourselves; and to reject sin to prevent ourselves from repeating it.

Are we forgiven of our sins? Why or Why not?

We are forgiven of our sins as long as we accept from Yahweh the atoning sacrifice of Jesus' perfect life that was given up for us.


Doodle Glow

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:10 am
I'm new to the guild, is it okay if I join this bible study?  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:22 am
Doodle Glow
I'm new to the guild, is it okay if I join this bible study?

Yes! <3 It's a guild bible study, anyone can join. <3  

Edith Puthie



PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:09 pm
I'm willing to join this study! I'll do my best to remember to come back and answer these questions when I think of some answers though... sweatdrop  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:58 pm
Oh wow, these are deep questions!

I don't think its possible to completely stop sinning, because if it was then Jesus was just a normal guy, right? Why couldn't we just stop now and be perfect, not needing God's help.

I think we are forgiven of our sins, if we ask for forgiveness. That's what grace and mercy are for. However I don't think we should take advantage of this, thinking that I can always be forgiven so I'll just wait for tomorrow.

Eh... yeah... sweatdrop  



PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:40 pm
Okay, Im ready to answer some of these questions.
I think sins are the little and big evil deeds that bring us away from God. Like, when we do sin, we sin against God. THe more we sin by doing one thing the more we'll want to keep doing it sometimes, which could lead us away from God...
Sure, there are several sins that are hard for me to stop. Like, I talk about about peolpe. IT's really really really hard for me not to judge people.
It's IMPOSSIBLE to stop sinning. If there was no sin, everyone would be perfect. If everyone is perfect, what's the point of the Bible and Jesus?
When we turn our backs to sin, we're avoiding the temptations from it. For example, you know your friends will think of you differently if you don't drink like they do. But you know what's right and you decide not to drink with them. To me, that is turning you back on sin.
I believe we are forgiven of are sins. God did send Jesus to die on the cross for us. Also, I think right when we pray to ask God to come in our life that He then and there will forgive our sins.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:09 pm
What do you believe sin is?
I believe that sin is, in a nutshell, disobedience to God.

Is there a sin that you can't stop doing?
I have quite a few vices. When it comes down to it, I'm probably guilty of just about everything. And it's just so hard not to, even when I'm trying.

Is it possible to completely stop sinning?
No. I really don't think it is in our fallen state. And if we were, why would we need Jesus.

What does it mean to turn our backs to sin?
We apologize and ask forgiveness then we do our best to not do it again.

Are we forgiven of our sins? Why or Why not?
If we sincerely seek forgiveness and make a sincere attempt at repentance, yes. God is merciful.

Ixor Firebadger

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:11 am
Wow, sorry it took me so long to get a post in here. I hadn't had much time to sit down and think about it.

What do you believe sin is?
I think that sin is wrongful actions or thoughts that draw a person away from God and his teachings.
Is there a sin that you can't stop doing?
I think we all have our favorite sin, the one that seems to keep coming back no matter how hard we try. And then there's the little things, like that white lie you didn't even think about at the time, and probably didn't until you just read this. So yes, I have a few sins I can't stop doing, although admittedly I try harder on some than others.
Is it possible to completely stop sinning?
I'm of the belief that if we COULD stop sinning, then God wouldn't have needed to punish us all because of Adam and Eve, and Jesus would never have needed to become our sacrifice. He could have just been our teacher, our friend, our confidante, not our savior.
What does it mean to turn our backs to sin?
Go and sin no more. Or, at least put our minds to doing it no more.
Are we forgiven of our sins? Why or Why not?
If we ask God sincerely, he forgives us. Forgiving ourselves is usually much harder.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:08 pm
This is a really great idea! Thanks for putting your effort into it smile

What do you believe sin is?
Sin is an act against God, or an act against your fellow man. By breaking one of His commandments you are sinning against God. By doing something out of spite, or doing something that hurt another person you are sinning against man.

Is there a sin that you can't stop doing?

The Ten Commandments I'm able to hold to pretty well, but I do have trouble with selfishness, doing things to help myself, and not loving my neighbors. I'm having trouble forgiving those who wrong me, loving every man equally, and doing things for others that may set me back in my own goals.

Is it possible to completely stop sinning?

No, it isn't. We have inherited the original sin, and we are more easily tempted to do wrong than we are to do good.

What does it mean to turn our backs to sin?

To fight against that temptation, to live for God and not for earthly delights. To recognize our mistakes, and ask for forgiveness, and admit we aren't perfect.

Are we forgiven of our sins? Why or Why not?

Yes, God sacrificed His only Son so that we may be forgiven. This doesn't mean we can do anything we want, it means that our slip ups are forgiven. When we slip we must be truly remorseful, and repent in order to be forgiven.  

Jessy_4 26 2008

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:03 pm
What do you believe sin is?
sin is doing something that is evil, evil is a twisting of good, and good is the nature of God
Is there a sin that you can't stop doing?
there are alot of sins i can't stop doing, but by the grace of God i will do these things less and less
Is it possible to completely stop sinning?
nope, but by the grace of God we can stop continueous sin in our life
What does it mean to turn our backs to sin?
To fight against that temptation, to live for God and not for earthly delights. To recognize our mistakes, and ask for forgiveness, and admit we aren't perfect. (copyed from The Lady Who Knows, couldnt have worded it better myself)
Are we forgiven of our sins? Why or Why not?
If we accept Christ into our lives, then we are forgiven, but if we deny him we are not  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:44 pm
Okay, I really wanted to do this, so- here I go.

What do you believe sin is?
Well, if we look at Adam and Eve's first example of sin, I think it's quite clear. Sin is choosing ourselves over God. It is choosing to walk away from what God has given us for our own good, and choosing to accept the alternative, which brings about our downfall, as shown by Adam and Eve, and as explicitly outlined in the New Testament- that the wages of sin is death. Even further, sin is choosing to work towards being like God. Eve was tempted when the Serpent told her, "You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:4-5). Eve was tempted by the prospect to become like God, and that's what caused her to sin. In a moment of doubt- doubting God's wisdom- and a moment of pride, she took of the Tree and ate. This is what we do on a daily basis. The Serpent comes to us and presents to us a seed of doubt and a seed of pride- surely we won't die, surely it's not nearly as bad as God claims it to be- and we fall into sin.

Is there a sin that you can't stop doing?
Not much explanation needed here- yes.

Is it possible to completely stop sinning?
No. But it is possible to sin less. The more we imitate Christ, the more we detest sin, and the more we are able to avoid it. Sin is tricky though, and finds us when we are weak.

What does it mean to turn our backs to sin?
I think Paul states it quite nicely:
Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness ... but now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. ~ Romans 6:19b, 22

We are now offering ourselves to do Christ's work, and since sin can't come anywhere near God, the more we are drawing near to Christ, the more we are drawing away from sin.

Are we forgiven of our sins? Why or why not?
The verse following the verse of our study this week says that we "are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood." I think Christians everywhere are confused; we are not forgiven because Jesus died for us- Jesus died for us because we are forgiven.

Fushigi na Butterfly

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Atreadia Allaani

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:57 pm
What do you believe sin is?

Sin is a transgression against God. It is disobedience to His Word, and His moral Law.

Is there a sin that you can't stop doing?

I have a tendency to exaggerate by leaps and bounds... my mother calls that lying. I really try to keep from doing it, but sometimes.... I just can't help myself.

Last week I took a quarter from my niece's piggy bank.... I need to repay it. At the time, however, I justified it as me needing it more than she did.

Is it possible to completely stop sinning?

Yes, I believe that it is possible... but only when we are in Heaven with God. That doesn't mean that we cannot overcome the sins that plague our lives here on earth, though. The power of the Holy Spirit, and good judgement can keep us from many of the pitfalls we make for ourselves.

What does it mean to turn our backs to sin?

Turning our back toward sin, means that we determine in our hearts not to go that road in our lives. It means to wholly accept the Word of God, to repent, and walk down the road of salvation with Christ in our lives. Turning our backs to sin means we do not allow ourselves to even allow the little sins in our lives without repentance to usher them back out and close the door behind them. (Sounds radical, I know, but its a concept we have to learn... I totally disagree with the statement that we "have" to sin a little each day or we are not human.)

Are we forgiven of our sins? Why or Why not?

When we come to Jesus and obey the words of God through Peter in Acts (Repentance and Baptism) we are forgiven by God of all we have previously done in our lives. How we keep in that state of Grace is by keeping a repentant life. People who stop repenting are fooling themselves. Those who know to do right, but don't do it are sinning, and every sin must be repented of.

As the saying goes... repentance means, turning Right, and Walking Straight.

Can a "saved" person go to Hell? Absolutely. No one, not even Calvin, can be assured of their Salvation until the Trumpet of God sounds and the Righteous are taken out of the world.

I plan to be in the roll call of the Righteous. I hope you do, too.  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:56 am
What do you believe sin is?
Sin is a separatoin from God. If you go to the Hebrew word, it is "Hamar", which means missing the mark. When we sin, we miss the mark of God's intent of perfection for us as His children.
There are two types of sin: transgressions and iniquity. Transgressions are an outward sin and iniquity is inward sin.

Is there a sin that you can't stop doing?
One by one, if you say to yourself that you will stop doing one sin, you can eventually beat it with God's help, but to eliminate all sin in your life is an impossibility.

Is it possible to completely stop sinning?
Oh jeez, no.

What does it mean to turn our backs to sin?
I believe it means to make a conscious decision to follow God wholeheartedly and try your hardest to remain upright in His teachings. And when you fail at it miserably like the human you are, you ask God to pick you up, dust you off, kiss your owies and send you out again.

Are we forgiven of our sins? Why or Why not?
We as a planet have been offered the free gift of eternal life. It is our decision to accept the gift, or decline it for the wages of our sin. The only way we can be completely forgiven is to ask for it.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will cleanse us of all unrighteousness. -1 John 1:9  


Anonymous Mosh

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:02 pm
Discussion Questions!:

Please forgive me for the barrage of scripture. But if I don't use it, I'll never learn, and never remember. lol (Shhh! I'm practicing)

What do you believe sin is?
That which we rebel against God with. (Isaiah 59:1-2) Those things that dishonor Him, as well as ourselves and each other. ( I John 5:17) Though we have to know that it's a sin first (or that it's wrong - Romans 7:7-8 ). He told us all of the things that He expected of us to better improve ourselves. But we're human. And therefore a little wanting, and rather lazy. lol (John 3:20-21)

Is there a sin that you can't stop doing?
There are a lot of things that I did in the past that I've completely lost interest in. But I still have a long ways to go. I need to stop trying to destroy myself now that my body is nearly completely destroyed. And I complain far too much. I could use an attitude adjustment, and I've too judgmental. Never mind that I'm a sluggard.
Are you sure you want me to tell you? This could take a minute. and a little more paper. It's a lot better than it was, though. (Romans 7:14-18 )

Is it possible to completely stop sinning?
Well, no. There was only one perfect person on this earth, and that was/is Christ. (Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:8 ) Although once saved, those things start to be left behind. Little by little, they just seem to be less important. (1 John 3:9, 2 Corinthians 5:17) All we can do is the best that we can in this life.

What does it mean to turn our backs to sin?
Give it to God. Leave it behind us, and not worry about it. But it has to be more than just sheer will power (which helps immensely, but it's nothing without God). It has to be from the heart, and with total conviction. Like God's/Christ's love for us, and our love for the Lord and Christ. Otherwise, the fight's not over. (1 Corinthians 10:13) (I'm so thankful that I'm easily distracted).

Are we forgiven of our sins? Why or Why not? Yes. As long as we are sincere about wanting Salvation through Christ. (John 3:16-21) It's not easy, and we're not going to be perfect. But it's there for those who truly want it. It's just another part of our relationship with Christ and the Lord. (1 John 1:3)

Thank you. God bless.

Anon. Mosh  
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