ACE found herself behind the computer once again. Her measley life was punctuated by these moments where she'd type all her fantasies out in a word document, press save, and let the secret stories sink into the fathoms of her hard drive once more. As the words flowed down through her fingers and onto the quiet keys of her laptop, the words flew across the screen.
As she reached a point where she was happy with the release, she checked her messenger to see if she had anyone to talk to. Of course she didn't, it was two in the morning. She sat in the computer chair, pulling her knees to her chest and watching the screen. She read over what she'd just written, realizing that it was smaller than it felt like typing it out.
She closed her eyes, glad just to get it all out. She pressed save, typed in a half-assed title, and placed it on her desktop for later additions.
She checked the clock, miraculously five minutes had gone by. So much for staying up all night.
Then she saw someone was online. She looked up at her friends list, then saw someone she hadn't talked to in a while. The pop-up notification came moments afterwards.

-Tommy is online

Ace's list immediately came into mind.

Things Ace Knows about Tommy

• He lives in London
• He's 19
• He's really cute (Sidenote; Picture stored in 'My Pictures' folder)

Short list, Ace noted. But that was all the more reason to talk to him. She reached over and clicked his name. As the window popped up, she began to type.


Ace is a 16 year old girl with a passion for writing and the internet. She loves playing around with her various chat friends, and her mind never really leaves the computer on her desk at him. She loves it, dearly.
So when she meets a guy on the internet, she doesn't think much of it. They flirt lightly, have a little fun, but nothing major.

Her parents decide to spend the summer in London with a friend of theirs. The friend has a son who hates computers. He thinks its stupid that Ace is planning to spend her whole summer on the couch with a coke and her laptop.

But otherwise, Ace's life is going great. She gets to meet her internet hunk- in a public place!- and talk to him face to face. But her parents told her that the boy she's living with has to come along everywhere she goes.

Oh... there goes the fun trip.


PM me if you want to do this!
You'll be playing both Tommy and the boy that Ace is living with.
Nope, they're not the same person!
Ace is me ^^