Angelicus Demonica
By: Andrew Davis

Angel: “Twas on this night so cold and dreary,
When hearts of men doth grow so weary,
That this one fell to a demon dark,
Sinners all stop and hark,
Twas a shadow of evil, nothing more,
That preys upon the many poor,
Come demon dark and angel good,
We shall soon make all understood,
This fallen man’s soul tonight we two shall dub,
For righteous God or Beelzebub?”

Demon: “This ones soul belongs to me!
For it is plain for all to see,
That even in death this man’s breath is rank,
I can tell it was often that this one drank!”

Angel: “I rebuke your unholy claim,
For this wrong thou are to blame!
Twas ye who drove him to the bottle,
Do ye wish this soul to mottle?

Demon: “Nay I wish to mark it not,
Already this soul is black with rot!
He had stolen from his dearest friend,
Inflicting a wound that still won’t mend.
Car and riches were that day taken,
Leaving his friend beaten and shaken.
Tell me now this man was good,
He’d pick you pockets if he could!”

Angel: “I fear that your words ring true,
But this judgment is far from through!
For his sins he did repent,
Repaid was the money that was spent.
Though his friend would never mend,
The car was returned in the end.

Demon: “Yet he committed murder most foul,
Enough to make the devil howl!
Though wife he did seek to avenge,
In the end just ‘twas revenge.
From this he cannot repent,
Now to Hell he will be sent.
This last act has sealed his fate,
For this one you have come to late!

Angel: “No you shall not win this day,
For I have found another way!
I’ll take the evil into me,
Allowing this soul to be free!
All you Demons should be running
From what I am now becoming.
Pray thee do not come near
Lest ye recoil in dreadful fear!
Mortal evils I am condemned to slay,
And dwell no longer in the world of day.
Sinners now hide and hark!
For I am now the Angel Dark!

(Dark Laughter)

Now our brief tale draws to a close
With a tainted soul saved and an angel,
Banished to flesh and blood,
Being forced, as a result of good intentions, to walk the mortal world
What was once a nameless saint is now a dark hunter
Remember as ye walk home this night,
The hunter is still out there,
and if ye would breed darkness into another
He will hunt you, find you, and destroy you!
And so I leave you now to your contemplations and bid you good Morrow!