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Unashamed's Monthly Newsletter: February 2009

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Happy Valentine's Day! :D
You too! :D
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Total Votes : 13

Fushigi na Butterfly

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:40 pm
[ Unashamed: The Monthly Newsletter ]
Romans 13:8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.

[ February is severely lacking in witty introductions ]

Sorry this newsletter is a day late, guys. Let's pretend it's not, okay? You know, in the spirit of love- it is February after all. (am I getting really bad at introductory segways or is it just me?? confused )

There really isn't much in the way of "hey, February newsletter ftw ^o^" this month. I can point out that since Valentine's Day is this month, I'm abusing my power as Captain and decking the newsletter out with as much pink as possible while still letting the newsletter remain readable (I decided against my tiny pink font- aren't you happy?? biggrin ). But really, that's the most interesting thing I can think of mentioning before just delving into everything that's gonna happen this month. So maybe I should just skip it and make with the announcements? Yeah ... that sounds much better.

[ Silly stories, candy-grams, and Bible studies, oh my! :O ]

So what kinds of things have we got in store for you guildies this month, huh? Well, for starters, there's gonna be a stickied thread for everyone to share funny/embarrassing date/romance/Valentine's Day stories, if they'd like. It's not a contest or anything- just a little sharing for laughs. It could be fun, right? Also in celebration of Valentine's Day, we're doing the Valentine's candy- or flower-grams. Please see this thread for details and to participate (please sign up- only one person has so far, and he's Crew sweatdrop ).

And finally, a Bible study! Yes, another one. I know we've tried this over and over again, but this time we're setting stricter participation rules (mostly for Crew), and hopefully making it a little more enticing to participate in. That'll be taking place in the Bible discussion subforum, and will be starting the first Saturday of this month- keep an eye out (you can check the subforum to see when it goes up, or just wait for the announcement in the main forum). Hopefully it'll go over well, and depending on how much participation we get, it might get its own subforum. But let's not get ahead of ourselves ... 4laugh

[ Moving right along ... ]

I'm really excited, because this month I not only got to write the newsletter, but I also picked the verse (with help and agreement from the Crew of course) and get to write our little Crew-contributed word about the verse for this month. I know that the whole love theme for everything is a bit overdone and cliche in February, but I think it's a very convenient reminder of what we should be doing as Christians ...

[ A Word from our Crew Captain ]

It is perfectly okay (and encouraged) to pay special attention to verses that address how Jesus has loved and continues to love us, but it is just as okay (and just as encouraged) to, every once in a while, turn our attention to what we as Christians are called to do. There are plenty of verses about love in the Bible- the Song of Solomon is all about love. We are constantly having John 3:16 crammed down our throats, and probably reminded all too often that to love God is to follow His commands. But what about our sisters and brothers in Christ? What about our "neighbor"- who, in this case, happens to be the person we not only share a street or apartment building with, but the rest of the universe as well? How do we deal with them? Thankfully, Romans tells us.

I think the word choice of this month's verse is very interesting, on two counts. The first half of the verse mentions a continuing debt to love one another. The overwhelming implication here is that we owe love to each other. We are in debt as regards love toward one another. I owe all of you love. All of you, in return, owe each other love. Not only that, but it is a continuing debt. It's not something that can easily be erased by loving a certain amount today and having your love quota fulfilled for the rest of the month. It is an ongoing debt that cannot be cleared. We will always be short on loving each other.

The second half of the verse says that by loving one another we fulfill the law. Hmm. That's interesting. Where else have we heard that phrase? Oh yes, here's where:

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Matthew 5:17

Jesus said that He came to fulfill the law just as, by loving one another, we will fulfill the law. How very interesting that Paul reminds the Romans, and us, that we too can fulfill the law and be like Jesus by simply loving one another. But it's not as simple as being nice to your fellow human being today. Remember that part about the continuing debt? It is only through making the effort to love one another every single day that we can fulfill the law as Jesus has. Perhaps a more accurate translation of this verse could be "Every single day of your life, you owe it to your fellow human being, whoever and wherever they are, to love them fully and unconditionally as Jesus Christ did, and thereby fulfill the law as Jesus has, and be counted as righteous and perfect, just as Jesus is." It is only through mimicking Jesus that we can become like Him. It is only through paying our love debt to each other that we can even come close to paying the debt we owe to God.

[ Prayer requests ]

These are all the prayer requests that have come in during January If you'd like to make comments and offer support, feel free to post in the individual prayer request threads inside the Prayer Request subforum.

Lisa Faye
Please pray for me.
I was fine yesterday. Doing my work like I was supposed to. Until something I did offended two customers.
The two customers reported me, I got drug upstairs for an hour and a half until I broke and they got the reaction they wanted. And now? I was up all night, and feel sick to my stomach.
Even after all that, they told me what I did wrong, but did not tell me steps to correct it. My Mother was able to do this over the phone. But the people at my job couldn't?
I'm exhausted. Mentally, physically, spiritually. How can I not take what they said to me personally? When I felt verbally attacked for an hour and a half, and unable to even defend myself.
My Mom doesn't want me to quit my job. But I now feel I can no longer live up to their expectations. And if I do quit, I will never be able to pay the bills, or even buy food.
I just...I don't know what to do anymore. cry


I'd like for you to keep my friend, Amy Perdue, in your thoughts.
Her grandmother, Judith Xenos, has been severely diagnosed with Hotchkins Lymphoma.
Her left lung is full. It is also surrounding her heart, and is in her esophagus.
Amy left a message on my cell phone. She is heading out of town to West Virginia to the hospital to see her Pap-Poo and to get more news.
With everything she has dealt with lately, I know her family doesn't deserve this.

At this point, as bad as it sounds, I'm not sure how long her grandmother has.
Also pray that I will be able to finish a story I'm writing for Amy. Things keep getting in the way, and by time Amy gets back, she will need this story badly. sad


Cecil has gotten a lead for a new job. One at a Kroger on the other side of town.
I have some hope, but unlike the other hopes the other interviews have given us, it's a cautious hope. I wanted to talk about this possibility, but part of me was afraid I would jinx it. So I just told Cecil to put on his best suit and let me know how it goes.
I also have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I have been having troubles with bleeding when I am in the bathroom. It only happens once a day. But today, it seemed to continue a bit through the day. And has been going on for four days.
I think part of it was due to a vitamin supplement. I stopped taking it, but the issue has yet to resolve itself. It's more of a pain than a panic situation, but I tend to freak if I see blood.
My doctor said to make an appointment immediately. So I guess I will see what she says.
Also, continue to pray for the security guard at Kroger. She is mourning the loss of her son. And it's hard for her.
Thank you.

I have a friend who just moved here. He's homeschooled and has no friends, well, except me and my brother. He's already been caught shop-lifting and had to go to court and pay a large sum. And recently he's been caught doing other things of which I'm not certian of as his families keeping it secret, but I know they aren't good things. I would be very happy if you guys could pray for him, and me and my brother, that we'll be godly examples for him, and good friends to him. Thanks!

I have a friend who's like my only good friend at my high school(i mentioned her in my last prayer request)
But my mom used to volunteer at my school. I guess some teachers see me hanging out with her. But they go up to my mom saying that they're worried about me because I hang out with her. Supposedly she used to do drugs and might be gay. I don't know if she does drugs and she told me she has a several friends that're gay but she isn't. I having a hard time with this. I don't know what to do. I don't want people thinking I'm just like her because I hang out with her. But I don't want to ignore her. My mom brought this whole thing up again this past week and it reminded me about this issue. I just need some to pray for me and this situation. I confused about what I should do.


I'm not very happy at my school and I wantto switch schools. But I don't wanto make my friend at my current school sad. Sha always tells me that every friend she had left her for some reason and that she was happy that Im still her friend. It's kinda weird that she said that because she doesnt hang out with the greatest people. Im not very comfortable at the school and I want to switch schools. I just don't want making her feel so sad. I odn't know what to do. I just need some help/guidance.

Paranormal Zombiiie
Valentines Day is coming up and the big talk is about love.
As christians we should love unconditionally, but I know for one I have this problem. THere are some people I don't want to love.
So I say we pray for unconditional love for all of us.

Helena Bertinelli
Well, I'm just praying for God's best in my life.
I really want to know exactly where He wants me to be, even though I usually learn through the smallest things. ^^
Please pray for me. This last year has been really confusing, but also very revealing.
Also, I'll pray for you in turn if you desire the same.

Thank you. :3

The Plan :

To say a novena (9 days of prayer) along with fasting
starting on January 11th. For Catholics, the prayer of choice will be the rosary with intentions to stop the FOCA. For all other Christians, we I encourage you to pray your strongest prayers with the same intentions, also for nine consecutive days. The hope is that this will branch and
blossom as to become a global effort with maximum impact. We have very little time so we all must act fast. Just do three things:

1) In less than three days: invite all your friends. (espescially those that you know are Christian)

2) Start the novena on January 11th and pray for nine
consecutive days.

(please also fast for at least two days during the novena)

3) Remember that with God all things are possible and the
power of prayer is undeniable. If you are against the senseless killing of defenseless children then the time is now to do something about it!

Only 5 days left till Congress votes on FOCA. If you want to, you can go to www.fightfoca.com and sign an anti-FOCA petition, which will be sent to key members of Congress on Jan 21. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.

"To the world you are one person, but to one person you are the world."

God bless!

This morning, I received a letter from a debt recovery company acting on behalf of my mobile phone provider. I knew I owed them money and that seemed okay with them for a while. I knew I would pay them when I had the money to do so. I thought they knew that as well. But I suppose the credit crunch is biting and everyone is eager to call in their debts. This one letter is immediate, though. I've arranged for payment of it tomorrow. On top of that, there're at least two other parties to whom I owe money.

I suppose my problem is owing money and then having to part with material goods to get the money to pay such debts, which means I'll not have many material things left and, in this world, that means I'll be seen as worth less and will end up being treated as such. I think the initial shock has really highlighted how I feel unable to cope and, in a way, touches upon how I feel unprepared for life despite being 24 already.

Please pray that I will be able to pay my way and learn better life skills. Thank you.

Finals week starts tomorrow. After this, these are the last grades that will be sent to colleges. O_O sort of a scary prospect.
Please pray that I do well.

i have some enemys in my naiberhood (sorry i cant spell that word) that i dont think believe in christ and their going down a road that leads to a very unhappy ending please pray for them to change their ways for the Bible says "Love thy enemy as thyself" and i dont want to be the one person who can do something about them and pass them off just because their mean.

May the Lord be with you smile

[ Praise reports ]

Well, the only new praise report we got last month was from me, thanking God for a job interview I had and the subsequent basic hiring of me. I'd like to say it doesn't count, because I ended up turning down the job after I realized it was way over my head. However, it was still a great opportunity, even if I didn't accept it, and I was thankful that God had extended that little blessing into my life.

Got your own praise report? Post it in the praise report subforum. 3nodding

[ February's Birthdays ]

This month, Unashamed wishes a happy and blessed birthday to:

Trix Starlight
Karo Kiba
Torrent Turran

Hope it's a great one, guys!  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:35 am
Hey! That was interesting. <3333  

Edith Puthie


Fushigi na Butterfly

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:36 pm
I'm glad you thought so. 3nodding  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:56 pm
That was very meaningful, it definitely made me stop and think for awhile. Thank you for dedicating your time and effort towards it smile  

Jessy_4 26 2008

Fushigi na Butterfly

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:04 pm
I'm glad you liked it. ^-^  
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