Seishin No Kibou
Roleplays that encourage sexually explicit content or place characters in sexually explicit situations are not allowed anywhere on Gaia Online. This not only refers threads that contain cybering, but to slave roleplays as well. Any thread posted in Barton Town or any of its subforums has to follow the PG-13 rule that has been put forth for Gaia Online. Also, you may not encourage others to "take it to PMs" for the more serious stuff. Please read the Terms Of Service for more information about the PG-13 rule, as well as the Slave Roleplaypart of this thread for more information about slave roleplays.

OH. And one more thing that I would like to add since I noticed a little bit of it here.


Examples of godmodding:

1st example
-I shoot a three bullets straight at Joe's heart.
-Joe takes the bullets but they do no damage to him.
Congrats, Joe is a godmodder. :'D
You can't ALWAYS dodge an attack or have it do no damage to you. .__.;;

2nd example
-I punch Joe in the face.
-Joe dodges and punches me in the face and does 9999 damage.
You can't always hit your target and do sufficient damage to them. :/

3rd example
-Player A: -kicks Joe in the knee-
-Joe: -dodges the attack, and then punches Player A in the face with a dead-on attack. Player A punches again, and I grab his wrist and pull it right off his body-
No playing for other characters, please. :3