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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:40 pm
Please remember to vote for
Royal Purple
in the avatar arena...
I got this creative writing assignment to do... and it's meant to be a novella or chapter of a longer story... aanyhow. I was supposed to be inspired by this poem about the sea and freedom, so... here's a (very) brief summary of what I've got so far... I wiiiill translate it later on, as soon as I've sent the assignment to my teacher ^^

I'm writing about a prince named Raphael who's bored of life as a diplomat and having to study all the time, and he wants to go see the world like the adventurers in his books do.

So he runs away from home and joins Captain Savas and his pirate rogue merchant crew under the fake name "Radcliffe" , - however, in order to be allowed on the ship he is challenged to a duel by the captain, and wins thanks to his study of fencing.

That is where the captain becomes suspicious, not only by his impressive fencing skills but also the appearance of his very expensive-looking Rapier, unfit for the simple cobbler's son "Radcliffe" claims to be.

Later on he is identified as the prince by the navy commander of the ship they rob, obviously since he works for the government, in other words the king, who is Raphael's father. When Captain Savas finds out that his new crew member is a prince, he initially wants to send him home or use him as a hostage to exchange for royal treasures, but the prince convinces him to let him stay as a crew member in exchange for his rapier. (Haha convince him with shiny objects, huh?)

That's about as far as I've come so far... Do you think it could make a good story? Somehow I think it'll end up being porn. Somehow. But yeah, I'd love to hear your feedback and such, since this is the first time I'm writing something like this (other than that short story for school, but that was more of a drabble). I'd really like to make it a longer story. The story is currently in Swedish since it's for a school project, but I'm only writing about 500 words for the project and then I'm gonna keep writing in English (English is nicer, I think, far more verbose than Swedish)

Mr.Peacock in the photography arena!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:35 am
"Seriousness is the refuge of the shallow."

Character Interview
I got this interview question sheet off twilightsucks.org, and thought it looked interesting so I stuck my two mains in it; here is the results.

Full Name:
Raphael:My name is Raphael Enrique Durand of the Higher Order. Raphael works fine, though.
Savas: Captain Savas, at your service *confident grin* I’m sorry to say that my name isn’t nearly as fancy…or prissy, for that matter, as that guy’s.

Raphael: Male, as far as I know.
Savas: I’m a man, of course. And you can never be too sure, kiddo.

Raphael: I’m nineteen, soon to be twenty.. *sigh*
Savas: *looks offended* That is not a proper question to ask a lady!
Raphael: Didn’t you just say you were a man, Captain? *rolls eyes* Besides, I’d be terribly worried if you were a lady.
Savas: Ah, you don’t understand me *pouts*

Raphael: I’m 178.5 centimeters tall. I probably won’t get taller than that. I think my little sister is going to grow taller than me, even.
Savas: I’m 183 centimeters tall, I think, but I don’t really measure my height too often. Rather, I measure-
Raphael: THAT is quite enough, thank you!

Were you named after anyone?
Raphael: I’m named after my great-grandfather.
Savas: I’ve no idea. You should ask my mother, if you’re lucky enough to find her. Hopefully I’m not named after someone though, it’s a strange tradition.

Does your name mean anything?
Raphael: Oh, can we skip this one please?
Savas: Hah, not a chance, kid. Spill.
Raphael: My name means “Healed by God”.
Savas *stifles a giggle*
Raphael: It’s not my fault!
Savas: My name means “war” in Persian. Romantic, no?
Raphael: Very.

Nick names?
Raphael: Radcliffe. Though it is more of an alias.
Savas: Bah! Nick-name you say? Liar.
Raphael: Oh please, it’s not like I’d go around telling people “Oh hi, I’m part of the royal family. Feel free to aim for my head.”

What do you think you look like?
Raphael: Refined, I would hope.
Savas: Naturally, I’m the most handsome man on the seven seas. I’ve heard some say, even, that I’m more attractive than most women.
Raphael: I’m sure they were very drunk.
Savas: Oh hush, you pansy.
Raphael: I’m no more of a pansy than you are.
Savas: *raises eyebrows* Last night says differently. I must say, I’m impressed how you fit into those-
Raphael: *covers Savas’ mouth with both hands*
AH! Don’t lick me! *blushes and scowls*
Savas: *snickers*

Date of Birth:
Raphael: The Fourteenth of October.
Savas: Oh, but that’s soon! I’ll have to get you something.
Raphael: *looks worried* I think I’d rather not accept any suspicious items from you, thank you very much. What about you?
Savas: I don’t… really know when my birthday is. Again, ask my mother if you find her.

Place of Birth and Current Location:
Raphael: I was born in the Royal palace…and now I’m part of the Eris’ ship crew.
Savas: Better than that tedious palace, is it not?
Raphael: For once I agree with you. So where do you come from?
Savas: Well - that, too, I do not really know. I suppose that the ocean is my home, as poetic as it sounds.
Raphael: Ah, you bring a tear to my eye.

Raphael: My mother is half-Italian and my father is French.
Savas: My mother is Spanish and my father was Persian.
Raphael: We’re both Half-breeds then, huh? In a way.
Savas: Something like that. *grin*

Astrological Sign:
Raphael: I can’t quite remember… Libra, I think, or possibly Virgo.
Savas: I don’t know when I was born so… no idea. I feel like I’d be a Leo though.
Raphael: How humble of you.
Savas: Shut up, Virgo.

Chinese astrological sign:
Savas: While I’ve been to China, I never found out.
Raphael: I have no idea.

Raphael: None.
Savas: Me neither. I believe in what I feel like at the time. Right now, for example, I believe in a good bottle of Rum.

What's your favorite smell?
Raphael: Fried mushrooms. It’s fantastic.
Savas: Raphael.
Raphael: *chokes and coughs*

Favourite band/artist?
Raphael: I’m not so sure about what a “band” is, but I do appreciate many Italian painters, especially Botticelli.
Savas: I’m not very good at that sort of thing. Whatever I can steal, is that a decent answer?

What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Raphael: Tea is always nice, with some honey and sweet bread.
Savas: *shakes head disdainfully* I’d prefer something high in alcohol. Maybe we could compromise and drink tea with a splash of brandy in it?

Hair and Eye Color:
Raphael: My hair used to be a darker shade of blond, but being in the sun has made it slightly lighter. My eyes are green,
Savas: A grayish green, too, I’d say. It is quite unusual.
Raphael: I suppose so.
Savas: Well, my hair is quite dark, isn’t it?
Raphael: I thought it was black the first time I saw it.
Savas: But it’s rather a dark brown. My eyes too, are a positively captivating dark brown.
Raphael: I think you might be the only one captivated by them.
Savas: Haha, I thought you liked them.

Any Unusual Talents?
Raphael: I’m quite talented with a rapier, if I may say so myself.
Savas: Better than me, even. Though I must say I think your sister has surpassed you.
Raphael: *glares for a split second* …And I can read and write. Most people can’t afford that sort of education.
Savas: We didn’t all have easy childhoods, Princess.. Personally, I have a positively amazing gift, sent by God himself.
Raphael: God, spare me. Here it comes.
Savas: I’m absolutely irresistible to man and woman alike. I’ve even been courted by animals, as well.
Raphael: *sigh* Thank you for that disturbing mental image
Savas: I’m a pretty good role model too. Untouched by sin, one of the few pure creatures left on this earth…
Raphael: Jesus Christ.

Righty/Lefty or Ambidextrous?
Raphael: A “righty” as you so quaintly called it.
Savas: Me too. I think.

Gay, Straight, Bi or Other?
Raphael: That is entirely inappropriate.
SAvas: Indeed. No thing to ask a lady.
Raphael: Oh for god’s sake, you’re not-

Actually, never mind.
Savas. Ah, you’re just jealous of my womanly charm.

What do you do for a living?
Raphael: Ugh, do I really have to answer this one?
Savas: We’re both professional rogue merchants.

What do you do for fun?
Savas: *looks at Raphael*
Raphael: Well, I do enjoy both reading and fencing, and… *trails off and notices Savas staring*
Savas: *stares more*
Raphael: W-what?
Savas: *snicker*

Raphael: I did have a brief, arranged engagement but that’s all. I didn’t even like the girl.
Savas: Oh, I’m hurt!

Savas: The little Princess here has a huuuge crush on me, dontcha?
Raphael: *smacks Savas on the back of the head*

Current Worries:
Raphael: That guy there *points to Savas* and my family finding me.
Savas: Thanks to you, the whole bloody navy is after us. So his family is my problem too, isn’t that just dandy?

How much food/drink do you need a day?
Raphael: A meal or two will do. Plenty of fresh water is necessary to maintain a healthy mind and body, though.
Savas: Once I survived three weeks trapped on a deserted island, surviving only on small insects and ocean water.
Raphael: *raises eyebrow skeptically*

Favorite place to be:
Raphael: Don’t you dare. *icy glare at Savas*

Least favorite place to be:
Raphael: The Royal Palace.
Savas: The bottom of the sea or six feet under doesn’t seem too nice.

Person you cry with:
Savas: Yes, Princess, why don’t you tell us?
Raphael: *blushes, infuriated*

Any Siblings?
Raphael: I have two older brothers, Henri and Louis, and one younger sister named Fleur.
Savas: I had a brother, Naveed, but he disappeared when I was very young. I never really knew him.

Any Pets?
Raphael: I had some horses and dogs back at the palace.
Savas: We have a ship cat to take care of the rats… She’s very fond of Raphael and vice versa.
Raphael: Do I detect some jealousy in your voice? *smirk*
Savas: Perhaps a little.

An Illness?
Raphael: I’m healthy enough, I should think.
Savas: So am I. I’ve seen far too many men with Scurvy to not take the precautions to avoid it.

A visible birthmark?
Raphael: no…
Savas: Me neither, but you can never be too sure. Maybe we should take our clothes off and- ah – inspect each other?

Savas: I’m very charming.
Raphael: If only. I’m quite pleasant though, no?
Savas: You sure are.

Clothing Style?
Raphael: I used to wear whatever was fashionable, or rather, what was picked out for me. Nowadays it’s what’s available.
Savas: Whatever is comfortable.

Raphael: Back at the palace I have some quite impressive living quarters… but now I can’t really have that luxury, I sleep in one of the crew cabins.
Savas: The Captain’s cabin, naturally. You’re welcome to stay there with me, kid, if you’d like *purr*

What's Missing?
Savas: An affectionate lover. *sigh*
Raphael: An intelligent lover.

Savas: Not much. I can read a little, and I know many stories… but that’s it.
Raphael: I’ve had private tutoring since I can remember.

Relationship with your parents/guardian:
Raphael: I’m not on the greatest terms with them, as you can imagine, after running away and becoming a heinous criminal.
Savas: Oh, how can such harsh, ugly words escape such beautiful lips? *shakes head*
Moving on, I don’t really know my parents too well. So I guess our relationship is neutral.

Anything hiding in your Closet?
Raphael: No, I-
Savas: Really, the only thing in his closet is him.

Under your Bed:
Savas: *points to Raphael* Him, and rather in it than under it.

Your Bad time of day?
Savas: I’m not too great in the mornings.
Raphael: He’s a demon in the mornings.
Savas: I’m a demon at night, too, but you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you?

Your Worst Fears:
Raphael: I’m worried about my little sister… if anything happened to her, I’d be devastated. And of course, getting caught.
Savas: My ship being damaged.

Your Material Weakness:
Savas: Money.
Raphael: Or any shiny object, for that matter.
Savas: Ah, You make me sound so shallow. It hurts me terribly. *fake tear*

Your Pet Peeve:
Savas: Not sure what that means, Is it some kind of animal?
Raphael: I think they mean something that annoys you…
Savas: Then, rejection. *gives Raphael a meaningful glance*
Raphael: Stubborn Pirate Captains. Oh, sorry – I meant “Rogue Merchant”, not “Pirate”.
- Oscar Wilde.



PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:46 pm
it sounds like it could be fun write it in a fic and ill read it  
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