I wrote this yesterday night....

A first kiss. It was every teenage girls dream to be the perfect moment with the perfect guy and nothing else in the world mattered. Mine was just like that, his name was Michael Lawson, and he was the love of my life, until one day.
I was sitting by the Christmas tree watching the brightly colored lights come alive as they danced across the lush, green pine leaves. It looked as though they where singing, as to in a melody. I was drinking my warm hot chocolate, when all of a sudden the door bell rang.
I went to go and see who it was and when i peeped throguh the hole, it was Michael's Father. I opened the door, but instead of walking in he fell. I ran to his side and put him on the stairs. The last words he said to me were, "The time had come."
I called the police, by the time they got there, they where to late, he was dead. Michael and his mom where absolutely outraged when they though i did it. His mother was accusing me of killing him because i was the last person to have come in contact with him, when he clearly came up to my doorstep in this condition. No one will believe me anyway, so why do i bother?
I bother because my boyfriend, MY BOYFRIEND, is apart of this, and i think that he is thinking the same crazy thing as his lunatic mother in thinking. I have to say, the pain i felt when he looked at me at the funeral.... It was absolutely heart breaking. That day, my heart shattered.
The image of his face kept swooshing into my dreams as it where though to haunt me. I so abruptly kept knocking it out but it kept finding ways to get back in. I woke up at around two in the morning. I am very quite when i start to walk down our dark, cold steps leading into the main hallway, but then i stop.
I heard something, a whisper. It wasn't just any whisper either, it was a cold, hazy whisper, as though one was trying to talk underwater. I looked around to see if any thing was there, but there only lay a small little Christmas tree that was still dancing cheerfully like the world is nothing at all. I love that about Christmas. It was where everyone comes together and we don't care about what is happeneing tomorrow, or what happened yesterday, a;; we care about is whats happening now.
There it is again... it said my name. Its saying it over and over again, as though it where trying to get my attention.

PLease Comment on this and tell me if you liked it! mrgreen