hi my name is selena and this is my first time making an RP, so bear with me!
I will state the fact of this role play this a role play for mature people
because there will be sex and violence and nudity so if you can't handle any of this then, don't post your profile here, plain and simple.
but there are some rules to this though to you cant be making love constantly and cant be constantly violent, there has to be some sort of balance make a character and truly run with it ! this RP is a mixture of lord of the rings,final fantasy and sims .
background story : its the earlier 1800's late 1700's pairs France mid summer when the leave are all green and and floating in the air and the warm wind breeze across you face and you see a large manor in the distance all old and Gothic fame work sounder by a small city it you 1st day here in this new strange place all the sites and sound are surreal it seems so beautiful pairs the city of love you heard people talking int he market place and one person talking about the manor you just saw to one of the vender's the conversation at hand buyer "i heard that place was full of vampire and other treas of the night " vender "no i think that you been hitting the pup to much everybody know that only one lady lives there behind those iron gates " buyer" your daft man why do you think she has those iron gate to keep us out or to keep them in !" the buyer walk away not its your choice what you do from here !

1.romance is strong encouraged
2. No god moding please its stupid
3. My word is law
4. Cussing is allowed just not every other word
5. I don't want to see ** used for actions just use "" for words
6. Use (()) for OOC
7. Don't kill other peoples characters without permission
8. Please be an active poster i don't want this to die after like four days
9. Have fun
10. I would love it if you would post your profiles
11. If you break the rules you will get a strike 4 strikes and I will kill off
Profile skeletons
Gaia name: (your name)
Name: (character's name)
Age: (Character's age)
Bio: (doesn't need to be long )
Alliance: (good,neutral, evil,)
Sex: (female male)
Race: (vampire, Lycan, ect)
Descended from:
Mark: (pic or description)
Weapons: (six at most)
Appearance: (3 forms at most)
magic sad if you have any)
Other sad pets, powers,ect.)