Along coastal areas one may spot a small cave with a tunnel leading down into the water. If one would be able and brave enough, he or she could follow it down and find that as one gets closer to its end, the tunnel walls become crystallized. Someone who cannot see in the dark would notice this until later, when he or she has reached the end at which lies a large crystal cavern. In this crystal cavern, there are a few crystals that give off a faint glow. There are many tunnels connected to this cavern. Each tunnel either leads to another crystal cavern or another tunnel that may eventually lead to a crystal cavern. There are plenty of water based demons as well, and due to their dark conditions, they can see very well in the dark. Some demons may not see very well however, but rely on vibrations in the water. A beautiful place these caverns may be, they are incredibly dangerous for one may be attacked by demons or get lost in the maze of tunnels.