Dragon Clan

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The Dragons are a proud, wise, and powerful race. The Dragons are the oldest of the Youkai clans. Dragons are the strongest of all the Youkais, but due to there size, they are also slower than most youkai. Older, more experience Dragons can use their flying to nullify this handicap. Yet younger, less experienced Dragons will have trouble figuring this out. Dragons are also some of the best protected Youkais due to there hard scaly skin. Only Older Dragons are able to breath the fire that made them legendary.

Rivals: Panthers

Wolf Clan

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The Wolves are a very family oriented race. Wolves themselves are a very well rounded race. They are fast, and powerful. They're youkai form is slightly smaller in size compared to the Dogs, this makes them slightly weaker in this form, but they make up for it with a cunning mind. They are stronger, and faster in there human forms They lack the wisdom of the Dragons, yet they still have a high level of Intelligence. Wolves are extremely prideful when it comes to there strength compared to the Dog Clan, they will attack anyone who questions which one is stronger. Wolves are top-notch archers, they lack the swordsman skills that their Dog cousins have.

Rivals: Dogs

Dog Clan

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The Dogs are the most prestigious, and noble Youkai clan. The dogs are much like the wolves, they are very well rounded. The Dogs lack the strength that the wolves have in there human forms, but they make up with break-neck speed. This speed makes them the best swordsman out of all the youkai. The Dogs greatest weakness is their arrogance, many times Dogs will go into battle with a 'I am more superior' mindset, and this gets Dogs into more trouble than the other Youkai.

Rivals: Wolves

Panther Clan

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Panther Youkais are the most indivualist of all the Youkai clan. Those within the clan will work together to better themselves, but those out alone cannot stand being told what to do. These Youkai are the fastest Youkais out there, but they lack the brute force to stand toe to toe with the other Youkai clans. This is why most of Panthers will try to out last their enemy instead of out powering them. Panthers have some of the worlds most Gorgeous women, and Handsome men, as such they are excellent at Seduction, only second to the Foxes.

Rivals: Dragons