I thought that this was a nice paragraph, so I thought I'd post it and see what people thought of it. I made a little character up oneday and wrote this from her POV.
I keep on thinking of the mall at Christmas. All the people walking around in warm black coats and scarves, talking to their loved ones and friends. Holding warm drinks and clenching sparkling shopping bags full of gifts for people, or decorations, or something for themselves that they'll never tell anyone about. Everyone is charged with an electric holiday energy, wether or not you plan to celebrate anything doesn't make a difference, everyone feels it. Decorations are strung up all over the place. Draped over lights, hanging from every high place, and wrapping around and stretching the golden stars suspended from the cieling. They sparkle and glimmer in silver, gold, green, red, and blue. All the colours in the world are hanging on the giant tree in the center of the mall, deep green with a golden star glinting at the top of it. The glitter covering it makes it look as if it winks at you, if you stand in the right place. Little smooth orbs hang from the cieling and the tree, soft and bright. There are giant ones arranged outside the mall in a pile, larger than anyone there. When it rains you can see your reflection staring back at you in the orbs. You looked stretched out and long, and can't help but feel a little happy or content. Nobody really looks though. So it's just you staring at yourself in a giant golden Christmas bauble. Nobody looks because they're all so busy with themselves and other people and enjoying Christmas with someone, or the knowledge that they will, no matter what happens. Standing in the rain in the afternoon when it's dark, windy, and cold. Standing and all the other lights come from people and the city. Standing and the light coming from the Christmas tree in the center of the plaza reflects off the golden bauble, you realize that you shouldn't be staring into it. You shouldn't be alone, staring into the golden sphere because everyone else has no time for the sphere, they have other people to worry about, and you have no one. The icy magic disappears and it seems cruel and sad that you should be looking into the golden bauble. That you should feel this way, and realize why.

I hate Christmas....