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Unashamed's Monthly Newsletter: November 2008

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Yay for turkey?
Mmm, turkey...
 60%  [ 6 ]
Like turkey but don't live in the US
 10%  [ 1 ]
Where's the pony?!
 30%  [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 10

The Amazing Ryuu

PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:25 pm
[ Unashamed: The Monthly Newsletter ]
Matthew 6:25-26 - Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

[ In the absence of our Captain... ]

...you are all left with the words of your friendly resident VC. mrgreen As in recent months, there is a lot going on in your lives, but very little to report about the guild itself. So... this will be a very short newsletter, and I cross my fingers hoping that I don't forget anything.

A happy All Saint's Day on this beautiful November 1st, joyous Rememberance Day to our guildies from Canada, sleepy Thanksgiving to our US friends, Veteran's Day in Puerto Rico, and well wishes on any other fall holidays that we are not aware of. heart

[ Holiday Extravaganza!!! ]

I would LIKE to announce a nice, big Holiday Extravaganza. But the crew needs YOUR help. Yes, you. You like the 'Uncle Sam Wants You' posters. I know that we don't have a large amount of active users, and really, that's fine. Those of you who kick in a word or two on a regular basis are great. *hugs all* But we need some ideas to liven up the guild. We want you all to have FUN here. We'd love to give away items and gold, but the crew is running a bit dry on strange, silly or just interesting things for the guild to do during fall and winter. If any among you have ideas that fall into one or all of the aforementioned catagories, PLEASE post it in the feedback subforum. Or feel free to drop a PM to a member of the crew.

[ Previous Contests ]

A Halloween-themed avatar contest Free to enter, free to play! During Halloween week (or something), dress up your avatar in its best Halloween costume and enter it to win a gold prize.
Trick-or-Treating in the subforums We're hoping to set up Halloween-related threads in each or most of the subforums, each of them relating to that subforum (the Bible discussion would have a thread about discussing verses that condone or disapprove of Halloween, for example). Each contribution you make to the discussion not only earns you gold for posting through Gaia, but also from us!

Just example ideas that the crew have come up with. Don't be afraid to tell us if we're doing something (or NOT doing something) that would benefit the guild.

[ Spam Alert ]
This guild is public, and as such, anyone can post in it. However, not everyone on Gaia is as respectful as we'd like, and if you see someone (a guild member or not) posting anything that qualifies as spam that the Captain or crew have somehow overlooked, please mention it to us. heart

[ A word from our Crew ]

It can be very easy to fall into the trap of worrying over all the things in our lives that don't seem to be going right. It's a pretty rocky road and there are so many things that can go wrong. I recently relocated, kind of on a whim. It was a frightening decision to make, the whole thing has been a gamble. I have had a lot of worries, mostly about money. I have been flying by the seat of my pants, I have no job just yet and the money is running out a lot faster than I would have liked.

But if there's one thing the whole experience has taught me, it's that God always provides. Everytime I have begun to worry about some aspect of the move, He has provided me the opportunities I need to keep afloat.

It is also easy to fall into the trap of crediting ourselves with everything, when the going is good. We tell ourselves that we made it this far because of a certain talent or virtue we have, but even if that is the case, those gifts are also of God. This is another thing I have realized of myself, through all of this. I have relied too much on my excellent work history to land me the jobs I sought and never asked God to provide me His Blessing.

All of us have been in similar places, run into some roadblock or another. But what ever you are facing now, remember that you are still here to fight on, that God is the reason you are where you are today, and that God has provided you with the means to make it this far and He will continue to provide in the future.

[ Prayer Requests ]

These are all the prayer requests that have come in during October. If you'd like to make comments and offer support, feel free to post in the individual prayer request threads inside the Prayer Request subforum.

so... I hurt my shoulder about 3 months ago. I went to the doctor, he told me to do physical therapy for a few weeks then come back if it wasn't better. It wasn't better so I went back, got an MRI, and he told me to do 6 more weeks of physical therapy and then come back again. I went back yesterday, and he said I need surgery. Basically what they're gonna do is tighten up the ligaments and stuff [i think], cause I have "multidirectional instability."
But, my parents decided to put the surgery off until christmas break! So I have to live with the random pain and my shoulder falling out of joint if I don't hold it in [with my muscle] for 2 and a half MORE months. By the time I get the surgery it will have been almost 6 months! I am extremely annoyed that I have to wait that much longer after 2.5 months of physical therapy that amounted to nothing.
But anyway, the surgery is supposedly really really painful [my dad had it done when he was younger] and it will be followed by 4 - 6 months of rehab [mooore physical therapy]. So it'll be hard. But I still want to just get it over with. But anyway yeah if y'all could pray for me in these upcoming months as I prepare mentally and deal with the everyday pain and such....thanks =]


My dad was over in Iraq for two years. I just want to ask everyone to pray for the soldiers over there, and the soldiers who are stationed anywhere from home. God, watch over them.


Hey there all

i've been struggling with a few sins at the moment and i'm looking for someone to be an accountability partner, just with some prayer support and checking up that im not habitually falling back into the same stuff.
i cant get my walk with God right when i can't get myself right.
If anyone would be willing to help me thatd be awesome
PM me

Bless You all


Hogosha neko
I just got an e-mail from a good friend today saying that her appendix ruptured. Shes in hospital and going through a few surgeries. Shes not aloud to eat and is being fed through IV. I would like prayer for her to heal quickly and that she will be fine. I pretty scared at this point because a ruptured appendix is one of my larger fears so im very worried.
So please pray for her so that she my heal faster. Thank you


Lisa Faye
Pray also now, for my job.
I'm led to believe someone is sending false reports to my manager so I'm written up.
There has been too many phone call complaints as of late to make me believe all of them are valid.
I fear if I get one more false complaint, I will have to leave Kroger. sad
I've had more write ups in the past month than all of my jobs put together.
Satan is at work in my workplace. Please pray he will be kept at bay, and my real good work will outdo all these false accusations. sad
We're having more problems.
I have asked Cecil, several times, to give me his information regarding his start and end dates in previous jobs. Every time I ask him to do this, he says he will. When I call him on it, such as telling him he said he was going to give me that information last week, and he still has yet to do it, he replies among the line, "I know, I know, I know." Ends the conversation, and goes to bed.
I just am having a hard time grasping this. Why is it so hard to have his partner help him? If he would give me this information, I could fill out applications for him. Instead, we're still without his second job, and a way to keep paying this mortgage.
His Mom, I'm not sure if she will be able to help us now or not. And I just feel, if we lose this house, I lose everything. My independence, my way to live, my life I feel, will be over, as will everything else, if we lose this house.
We need you, prayer warriors. sad
Continued prayer, please.
We have discovered that our house has a water pipe break. This is something that will take approx $2000-$3000 to fix. sad
As for Cecil's job situation, we're still waiting. sad
While two places have contacted him, we have yet to see any real results from either one. And it is stressing Cecil more than ever before.
We usually never argue. Ever. But me simply asking him how conversations regarding a loan went with him and his Mom, has made Cecil lash out at me several times.
It has gotten to the point where I have retreated to my own room and turned on my TV. As a result, Cecil retires to his own bed early.
I have said to him I don't know how to talk to him anymore, and it's the truth. How can I talk to someone who is just going to lash back at me when I bring up the topic of finances?
The Ocean I speak of in my profile, I sadly feel very alone there. I see us falling apart at the seams, and he seems naive and blind to it.
I'm very sad right now. He and I can't talk, it seems, and it's tearing us apart.
Unless he comes to me, willing to talk about this, I can no longer do anything except wait for the unavoidable. sad


freelance lover
For those of you who don't know, Westboro Baptist Church is an incredibly hateful group who hate homosexuals, America, the armed forces... jsut about everyone really.

Well, my school is doing a production of The Laramie Project, about the death of Matthew Shepherd and WBC, being the hateful people they are, are protesting it. on the 24th. Granted, they can't come on campus as it's private property meaning they have to stand in the black ghetto of Oklahoma City (where my school is located) but even so.

I'm really not too worried, they're annoying at worst and I've encountered them before- no big deal. However, my school has a HUGE gay population (over half the guys are gay... at least) so I'm worried campus will like... explode. I just pray that no one antaginize them as that is how the make money and bring others down. I pray that we are able to be uplifting and loving in the face of hate and intolerance.


Pray for my cousin. Her dad, my uncle, hit her because she was very rebellious. he did this twice and each time she ran through the road screaming to the neighbors. Her dad left the house the second time and said to my aunt that he want come bask tell my cousin is gone. my cousin is 15 so she can not move out. So her mom asked if my aunt of my mom could help. So she has to come either to live with my family or my other aunt house. My cousin is not a christian and my family is worried that my younger sister who is 7 and copies everything she sees will copy my cousin who is rebellious. My other aunt is worried that her house would be to boring for her. So please pray that we will find the right place for her to live and that she will find Gods Love Jesus.

Thanks so much for your prayers.
God Bless Y'all


Ok here is the story. My best friend Karissa lives with her grandparents, uncle, mom, and twin sisters. [Her parents split years ago.] Her grandma is the only one that is bringing home the money. She has been working as hard as she can to pay for food and everything. So I ask everyone pray for her and give her the strength to work.
And now we move to Karissa's dad [who sees her every Saturday]. Karissa's dad is planning on remarrying soon. The woman and her 3 kids have already moved in with him. No one living in that house believes in God, so please pray for them spiritually. Plus Karissa's dad is the only one paying for everying and has recently hurt himself, so also pray for them financially. If you guys would just do that it would really help. Thanks! smile


I've been in a sticky mess lately, and I really need people to pray for me.
I have a problem with sin. It doesn't leave me alone. Which, normally, isn't bad. Except this kid who used to cut himself recently moved away, and he was an atheist. He could be dead, in Hell right now, so that's sort of eating me. Add that to pride, lust, and other...non PG-13 things, life's not been easy. I can no longer talk to my Youth director, because my brother's at Youth Group all the time, and I don't like talking in front of him. Maybe there's some pride there, maybe I can't show weakness in front of him, I don't know.
In any case, if you could all pray for me, I'd appreciate it.

[ Praise Reports ]

We also like to praise God for what He's done in our lives, giving Him glory for the immense blessings He's given us. These are the praise reports that have been posted in October. If you'd like to praise along with them, or offer your own praise reports, you can do so in the Praise subforum.

Lisa Faye
Every year, my church puts on a play called Judgement House.
If you are wondering what that is you can visit their website here.
As much as I tried to get people to come through this year, no one wishes to comply.
Cecil is part of the parking team. We have cast and crew nights. And they were nights I had to work.
I called Amy about something, and she told me Cecil came out of counciling the other night in Judgement House. When I asked her what for, she said he rededicated. Which shocked me. But also made me so happy, I felt like I would burst.
It was one detail he did not tell me the other night. But I'm so glad. biggrin


I posted a prayer request a while back about how my faith was all but gone and I was cutting.
The faith situation hasn't improved much at all
But I haven't cut in almost 4 months. I've wanted to, but I've been able to resist. =]

[ November's Birthdays ]

This month, Unashamed wishes a happy and blessed birthday to:

Rainy Xsclsm
Atomic Pixie7
iCrack Whore
Lady Etak
Paranormal Zombiiie
A Thousand Painful Memory

Hope it's a great one, guys!  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:13 pm
Thank you so much, ryuu, for doing this. You rawk. 4laugh  

Fushigi na Butterfly

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Ixor Firebadger

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:08 pm
You forgot to give credit to the author for the 'Word fform Our crew'.

Not to be an attention whore or anything... ninja

(Me! Me! It was me!) xd
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:05 pm
eek eek eek


Won't happen in the next one. xd  

The Amazing Ryuu

Ixor Firebadger

Tenacious Wife

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 3:04 pm
*pats your head*

S'okay. At least you got to doing it sweatdrop

*curses lack of monies and internetz for about the millionth time in the last two and a half months*
PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:44 am
Kudos to Ryuu for doing a better job than I could have done and thanks to Ixor for the contribution. You guys make us proud. 3nodding  


Ixor Firebadger

Tenacious Wife

32,075 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:52 pm
Daww... redface  
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