the first poem i attempted to write.


I walk alone in a field of roses
Looking for the perfect rose for me
They all look so beautiful
And all the same
I was tired of looking at the same flower it seemed over and over again
I searched and I searched
I could find nothing but all "perfect" roses
I was about to give up
But out of the corner of my eye
A rose caught my eye
It was broken
Like me
It was almost petalless
Its color was fading
The thorns weren't as sharp as always
Letting all the others hurt it
I couldn't help but smile
Knowing this is the rose for me
In this rose is a real person
Who is itself
Even though it is broken
It is perfect in my eyes
Better than the most beautiful roses out there
I didn't care if there was barely any color
Nor did that it barely had any petals
I loved it
I only wonder if it would love me back
The way I love it
I never want to let go
I want to heal it
And make it more beautiful than all the others