So, you love this Guild. It's totally like your best friend. It's here for you whenever you need it, it talks to you, it listens...Now, do you want to not just interact with it but become an actual part of it?

This is your chance to become a Guild Moderator.

What will your job be? To invite new users, to help promote the Guild, and to, on the side if you want, help keep it nice and tidy. You'll get to see into the secret sub-forum that's set aside for the moderators, you'll get to know about Guild projects before anyone else, and most importantly, you'll be helping this Guild become a better one.

Minimum Requirements (you may argue against them if you think you are qualified)
1. 100 posts in the Guild (found in the members directory)
2. 500 posts in the Gaia Forums (found on your profile)
3. 3 Months in the Guild
4. On-Nearly-Every-Day or on a considerable amount of time a few days a week.
5. Respectful and Responsible.
6. No experience necessary, but helpful.

Now, does that all sound good to you? If so, just send me a PM explaining how you exactly meet the requirements above. (aka how many posts you have, how often your own, if you have any experience. ect)

Can't wait to hear from you!