~~~~ Tsuzurao Ninetails ~~~

Status: Being quested for!

Another enemy from Okami, Ninetails is one that first appears as a friend. She will maintain this tricky nature in soquili form, believing in seducing with words or actions those that she needs and discarding them violently when they are no longer needed.

In soquili form she will be a regular mare with her tail bound into nine. Her heart is dark and corrupted. She idolizes and envies ones with power, especially the skinwalkers that so efficiently terrorize the rest of the soquili population. She longs to join their cursed ranks and wears her snarling fox mask to bring herself closer to them. Until the day that she becomes a skinwalker she has told herself that she will rein herself in and achieve her ends by more manipulative means. Until then she seeks allies, lackies, and power....

~~ Form~~

.:Edited Regular:.
Kind of Soquili: Regular
Name of Soquili: Tsuzurao Ninetails
Owner(s):Captain Wolf
Gender: Female
Temper: Sinister
Breed: Kitsune
Eye color: (beneath the mask) Very deep purple irises
Body color/Patterns/etc: A somewhat manilla/parchment-colored body. Patterned on her are rectangular fur-markings. Beneath her mask I'd like her to be wearing purple eyeshadow and her eyes edited to be half closed in a flirtatious sort of way. If her mouth could be edited to make her seem more flirtatious too, that'd be great. I'd like her to have red hooves.
Starting stage (basket or adult): Adult
Mane/Tail: No mane. For the tail, I'd like it edited into nine ponytails to look like the nine-tailed fox tails in the image. I'd like them to be as thick as the reference image and hanging down all around her back feet. I'd like the little fox mask/puppet things to be included on the tips of them. The base of the tail up to the fox mask thingers should be the same color as her body but the tip of the tail is white with red at the very end.
Clothing edits:
-I'd like her to be wearing the mask in the various reference pics but if you'd be so kind, I'd like a version of her wearing it and then a version of her without it so you can see her flirtatious look beneath.
- Around her neck I'd like a simple chain in either silver or gold (whichever you think looks better) holding a fairly large pendant shaped like the sword she has in
- I'd like her to have some edits to her body in furry swirls. She has fury swirl tufts around her ankles, shoulders, tails, and a sorta tufty area around her neck. I'd like to see those tufts done in the same sort of style as the references, please!
Accessory color(s): You choose!
Tag frame color: You choose!
Tag feather color(s): You choose!
Tag bg: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y142/hksherra/References/okami-20070130074343043_640w.jpg (Cut and shrunk as necessary!)
Reference pictures (if needed):
One: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y142/hksherra/References/tsuzurao1.jpg (Reference for the eye make-up and the sword for the necklace)
Two: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y142/hksherra/References/tsuzurao2.jpg (reference for the mask and sword)
Three: http://s4.photobucket.com/albums/y142/hksherra/References/?action=view¤t=ninetails5.jpg (Tails, swirly tufts of fur, etc.)
Four: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y142/hksherra/References/ninetails4.jpg (Mask, colors, fur stuff)
Five: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y142/hksherra/References/ninetails2.jpg (Mask)
Six: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y142/hksherra/References/ninetails1.jpg (Colors, design, all that jazz)
