That show bothered me soo much.. it was like.. I'm sure it inspired some people, but what about the people who sit there and watch it instead of going to the gym (my mom) It was on the last hour that the YMCA was open, and also the first free hour my mom had off, which ment the first opertunity i had to go to the gym, because i can't walk, its too far.

And... I don't know, something about there being a show about it made me less motivated. Its like... American Idol made lots of people start singing, all over my school. I didn't want it to seem like i was going though the trouble of loosing weight just because of the show... That was the begining of this school year/end of last one, i think... (right?) I wsa having a hard time wanting to fit in but not wanting to be the scary preppy poplular person (that i couldn't be. It wasn't me then, and it won't be me when i'm down to a normal weight) It was also right after my father moved out of this house, into an apartment, which was REALLY hard for me... even though he was still around, and i can walk to the apartment.