Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:16 pm
Please dont outlaw the use of it in a mocking tone "lyke, do0d..juz got pwn'd"
It just makes things more comical. But I agree, the use of proper english is a must.
sweatdrop unless youre going after misspellers too, then im ********.
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:43 pm
Quote: unless youre going after misspellers too, then im ********. yah i'm pretty much screwed as well...what about capitalizing certain letters and punctuation?
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:20 pm
One would think peer pressure would be enough to get people to use some semblance of correct grammar and spelling, but picking and choosing what is acceptable and what is not sounds...annoying, not to mention complicated. Heck, some of the reasons I became interested in this guild were the lax restrictions (I left the join request blank) and casual user-friendly looking environment. I'd just ignore any terribly composed posts or ask the person to rephrase their post in the form of English. If an inept individual continued and did so in an overly annoying manner (most likely in a play for attention) then that is when I would suggest other action. My two cents.
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:27 pm
|If you need me|
My eyesight is horrible already; I don't need it to get worse because some idiot can't even find the brain cells to spell out the word "you."
Don't get me wrong, the laid-back atmosphere of this guild is awesome, but I hate chatspeak beyond all other things.
|I shall be in Australia!|
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:37 pm
Austin says lettem be here, but if they're gonna talk like that, keep it to the chatbox, if they don't gve them a warning, then kick em form the guild if they do it again. May as well give them a chance right?
Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 2:13 am
Hm. To be perfectly honest, all of that 'lol u can jus go than i take ur place' garbage drives me to the point where I'm chewing out those who speak like that while crossing paths with me. At least I do to those who look like they possibly might stick around for a while. "education of n00bs", as some call it. The occasional mispelled word is natural. We all do it, at some point.