u hi. I joined this guild..I think 2 days ago. I started posting around until I realized there was a place to introduce yourself. ^^;;

well anyways, I'm asian...at least partly. I'm mixed. half chinese half italian. o.o (some people say wow at this for about 5 minutes believe it or not)

I'm not gonna go into some deep thing of my chinese heritage, unless people want to know that which I think you don't.

I like all foods (not spicy sadly which hurts my sensitive taste buds), sleeping, video games, comics, reading, drawing, thinking up story ideas and characters, and I loooooove turtles. Like to death.

I own a crazy red-eared slider turtle named Myrtle who I think has part dog in her. oxo

I hope this wasn't too long. I also hope I enjoy it here in the Asian Pride Guild. ^^;; *runs and hides*