[ Unashamed: The Monthly Newsletter ]
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

[ We've survived to month three! How can this be? ]

Well, we somehow managed to make it to August and get up another newsletter for you guys. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy. It feels like everyone is either on vacation or making good use of their summer and doing an internship/working. At any rate, we did our best to come up with another post of updates, prayer requests, praise reports, and other goodies!

Our new verse of the month comes from 2 Corinthians again (that book has just got so much to offer xd ), but I won't go into it too much, because, as you scroll through, you may or may not notice that this month's newsletter features a new section: a word from our crew. In this section this month, you'll find an article by Priestley, which discusses and sheds some light on our verse of the month. I'll leave all of the expounding up to him. Maybe it'll spark some discussion in the Bible discussion subforum? Who knows. Either way, it should be interesting, so be sure to scroll down and read it.

[ Progress report ]

We have finally finished archiving all of the hot topic threads (threads on topics that seem to come up alot). They've been stuck into categories and linked back to, so once we finish cleaning up the main forum, by getting rid of the stickies we don't need and leaving the announcements open for the Newsletter only, we'll put the Directory up, with its rules and how it should be used. By the same token, we'll be opening up another subforum- the Archive and Resources subforum- though we may revise its use a little. It's possible that resources may get their own subforum, one of the two bottom ones that are empty right now, leaving the Archive for locked threads only. We'll see and keep you guys posted.

Hopefully, before the end of August, we'll have all of the usable subforums open for you guys to use. It's still slow going, but we're making alot of progress!

[ What else is in the works? ]

A new school year is fast approaching, and with September right around the corner, so is my new semester. I'm just letting everyone know ahead of time that once September 1 is here, I will be in class and working on a very full coarse-load, and probably not able to get onto Gaia often. For that reason, I am going to be watching you all very carefully to see if there are any potential new crew members among you. I'm also going to leave a crew position open for anyone to apply for, granted that they meet the following criteria: you must be a Christian; you must have been a member of Unashamed for at least two months; you must be ACTIVE!; you will be subject to a background check (as in, we'll be checking out your posts in this guild and on the rest of Gaia to be sure that you'll represent the guild respectfully and accurately, we'll be checking to see what, if any, other guilds you are a member of, and we'll read your profile). If you're okay with these terms and think you'd make a good crew member, send a PM to Fushigi na Butterfly and let me know.

I'm also going to be promoting someone to Vice Captain, since I just remembered we don't have one, and we desperately need one. The Vice Captain will run the guild in my absence, and act in my place. So that is what you can look forward to during August and at the beginning of September.

[ A word from our Crew ]

Hey, guys! Priestley here! First of all, I'd like to take the opportunity to greet you all on behalf of the whole crew. I thank our kind guild captain, Fushigi na Butterfly, for allowing me to speak to you in this month's newsletter. I had originally applied to write a little something in July's edition but it wasn't to be. Nevertheless, I honestly believe that everything happens for the better and it turns out that this week's theme is about something that's very close to my heart at present.

Some of you will be starting new grades/semesters/years/terms if not next month then in the near future. Young people here in the United Kingdom will be moving up a grade and even changing schools come September. Don't think I've left out those of you who may no longer be in education but for whom fresh starts may be fast approaching! If you haven't guessed by now, the August newsletter is all about new beginnings and I'd like to touch upon the this month's bible quote. So you don't have to scroll up, I'll repeat it:

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

You see, I know there are those of you who will be going back to environments that are familiar to you, things that are old and faces that you've seen before. Perhaps you'll return as the same person you were before you left. Whether you're returning somewhere or venturing to new places, perhaps you're content with being the person you have always been. But, what's this? Paul writes in his second letter to the early church at Corinth declaring a stark difference between what we once were and what we now should be. There are those of you who have confessed your faith in Christ but still only think of him as a great man. You haven't acknowledged the result of Christ's actions: you are reconciled with God. The reality is that simple. You're no longer separated from the Living God; you're able to have a relationship with Him because of what Christ has done for you. Paul goes on to write:

2 Corinthians 5:18-19
All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.

You have just received this message. God no longer holds your old self against you and prevents you from being with Him. He has made you new by forgiving your sins and bringing you to Him. The situation, however, is that this is not the case for the people you will meet and the places you will go. Paul follows with:

2 Corinthians 5:20-21
We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

If indeed, as Paul exclaims, you are a new creation in Christ because of what God has done through him, why should you remain the same old you when you make your fresh starts? People should be able to see the change in you now you're aware of the change. You aren't the same as you once were. You show people the righteousness of God as Christ showed you the righteousness of God.

I share Paul's feelings right now when I ask you to be reconciled to God, to stick with Him as you go forward and to be the righteousness of God for others as Christ has been for you. Be the new creation!

God bless!

[ Prayer requests ]

These are all the prayer requests that have come in during July. If you'd like to make comments and offer support, feel free to post in the individual prayer request threads inside the Prayer Request subforum.

Theres a school that i've been going to since i was little. i've gone every year of my life except during second. That school is like a home to me. The bus might not run next year. I need prayer that it runs or that there will be a way for carpool..if theres not, i'll have to go to a public school. i love this school so much, i really dont want to leave. Please pray that God will prepare a way for me to continue going up there.

Next year, I am starting at a new school, for the first time in 7 years. I have known the same people for 7 years and it is killing me to know I have to leave them. Please pray that everything will work out for me. Thanks!

My Mother has been praying for miracles, she has joined a good church lately it seems, and is trying to work after years of disability, hoping to learn to drive and get a car and liscence and all, and she has been in spirtual battle throughout her life, and has tended towards extremes.
Anyway, she is currently it seems fighting for the soul of my half brother Tommy.
He was abused when he was younger, got into crimes and drugs and hasn't had the easiest life. She thinks he is possesed, and it seems is telling Satan to shut up in the name of Jesus, and praying peace in the name of Jesus. He is either possessed, high or insane or some combination thereof I would think.
According to her,
Police were driving buy, and he was waving a knife around saying "the police are coming", talking to himself, and talking in a weird voice, and threatening that she might make him kill people, and she told him that God loved him and so did she and ...
anyway, obviously he needs prayer. He's been trying to reestablish a relationship with his wife and kids, but needs to be liberated from the bonds of sin, and darkness.
So, if any of good heart can help, go for it.
I prayed for him some and he did end up coming back from being missing for a night or so. eh..

Christian Blondie93
Please pray that my friend will realize that she is committing sins and needs forgiveness.

Silver Wingling
I'm trying to save up enough money to go to Israel within two years. This is my DREAM, my most important dream, to go see Israel, the land the is so all important to my faith. I hope to stay for a month or so in the summer of my junior year of Highschool. However, the trip will cost me $2,000. My family is very poor, so I will have to earn the money myself, and they won't be able to go with me. I'll have to go alone. Now, the problem is, I'm not quite 15. (I turn 15 on the 8th.) So I can't get a job, even if I had a car to commute to work, which, naturally, I don't. I'm gonna try to earn the money by doing internet marketing, something that I can do from my own home, no matter my age. I feel this is the path G-d is leading me down. I really need prayer over this though, as a trip alone halfway around the world is not an easy matter. I do have friends to stay with in Israel, though, the've offered me their home to live in when I go.

Atomic Pixie7
I tried to post my prayer request in the area that said "Prayer Request", but it said that I did have permission or access. So, that's why I started a new thread. My family and I really need all the prayers we can get. My husband lost his job of 7 years last week and he needs to find another one immediately. One that can support our family and still make his child support payments and we need good benefits. Please pray that God will supply just the right job and that He will provide for all our needs during this gap. Thank you all so much for your prayers.

A month or so ago I posted a topic thingy...I'm not sure if it made it here, i didn't really voice it as a prayer request i suppose. Anyhoo, I would really appreciate prayer for myself, as I have basically unwillingly stopped believing in God. Also, along with that, I have had thoughts of suicide and have cut myself [although I haven't for almost a month now]. I'm trying to find God, but I'm starting to think that maybe he really isn't there. My hope is fading....

There's been a lot going on recently, which is why I've been slacking off my crew duties. Firstly, I'd like to ask for some prayer for my little sister. She just got married 7/26, and has found out that she's pregnant, due early next year. I myself am having some financial difficulties, as well as some post-graduate issues. Hopefully these will get resolved fairly quickly, but any prayer on the matter is greatly appreciated.

[ Praise reports ]

We also like to praise God for what He's done in our lives, giving Him glory for the immense blessings He's given us. These are the praise reports that have been posted in June. If you'd like to praise along with them, or offer your own praise reports, you can do so in the Praise subforum.

I've been meaning to post this for a while but never quite got around to sitting down and composing it. Well, I should really be pulling a resume together and getting some sleep for my long work day tomorrow but I don't wanna put it off any longer.

Warning: There is gonna be long....

So a while ago, for certain reasons (mostly a guy), I have decided to relocate from Minnesota to California. I had already been kind of fantasizing about the idea and wishing that I could close the distance between me and that person just to see what might happen. Kinda crazy and reckless, I know, but sometimes we just have to take chances. Even if it doesn't work, at least I will have tried and I will know what could happen. I figure, one way or another, it will be an experience. Anywho, I never really thought about it seriously because I've heard that it's really expensive there and hard to make it. Finally, a couple of co-workers pushed me into at least taking a look to see if I could manage it. That's where things just started to miraculously line up, even before I completely surrendered the venture to God to do what He will with it.

I was looked at apartments to see how much they cost out there and wound up starting to think seriously about doing it. Though, I wasn't sure about doing it on my own, at least at first. Less because I doubted myself and more because I KNEW my parents were going to hate it. Figured they might feel better if I wasn't on my own out there. I think this was the point where i pretty much gave it up and decided that if things didn't work out, it simply wasn't meant to be. So later, I was talking to a friend from here on IM. He said something that made me think he might have been interested and I was like "What? You want to go, too?" He said naw and then had to head off to do something. Later on that day he got back on and said "So, California, huh?" I had a roommate. That was a big stepping stone and big sign to me to press forward. Another awesome thing is that the person that is coming with me is GREAT at planning these things and I'm sure that between the two of us, we can pull this off, God willing.

There are so many other things that seem to be little signs to do it. Even the most skeptical people (my parents excluded, of course), seem to think it's something I need to do. I have all kinds of moral support and good wishes from friends and co-workers.

At times I started to worry about how I was going to get myself financially stable (I had a whole lotta credit card debt and some other projects to pay for before I go, not to mention it would be highly prudent to start saving some money), God provided a way. I realized that tax time had come which paid off almost all of my credit card debt. And then there was that rebate that gave me a needed boost. And when i started to get frustrated with the lack of OT at my job, I started to consider picking up a second part time gig to bring in some extra money to put away. Though, I really didn't want to for two reasons, I didn't want to pick one up just to leave them in the lurch after a few months and I was a little afraid I'd be getting a few more hours than I could handle. But then, there was just a mass exodus. Several people left the department, a few got fired (though, I know that most of them are not only doing well but doing even better than they were before), and a whole ton of hours opened up. Now, I've been picking up an extra 20-30 hours every two-week pay period.

And then there are just little silly things, like my fortune cookies (ok, maybe a little superstitious). They've all been rather appropriate to my life and even other people's fortunes seem to be predicting the move. My mom got one that said something about her going to a place where there were mountains, near water. And there isn't much else that would get her there. My parents just plain don't travel (hee...maybe they'll be there to go to my wedding, if I'm lucky XD).

All things are coming together. God has provided everything I needed to make this happen: moral support, a companion of a sort, financial means and no reasons to doubt that I am making the right move, though my faith is beginning to waver a bit as the time approaches. it's really scary, I'm leaving behind a lot. Friends and family. 10 years of raises and seniority at my current job. All for a gamble. But I have a strong feeling that, whatever happens, I am supposed to go. even if the reason is something I haven't even seen yet.

The last thing that can make or break this is a job.
But, the way things are going, I'm sure that god will provide that as well 3nodding

I am so excited!! I just got my AP Test scores today and I got a 5 on AP Calculus and a 4 on AP English!!!!!!! And I'm only a junior!!!!!! I am so happy it's not even funny!! On the Calc test the height of my expectation was a 4 but I was pretty sure I got a 3, but omg! Okay my little rant is over. I'm so thankful!

So this summer at a retreat i learned of a mentor system
where christians can look to older/more experienced christians
for questions and what-not
well as great as this system was i was alittle sad
I thought i was too old to have a mentor seeing as i'm going into
my second year of college
Then one day the day before i gave my sermon
I was sleeping over my cousins house
I was telling my cousin's CB about
how I was trying to start a small group bible study for my church Youth group
because most of the kids at my church have never had a bible study
and i think it's necessary for Young Christians to learn verses and what-not
So then CB said that she had a bunch of books on small groups
and that she wanted to be my mentor!
I was over joyed and I can't believe that God would give me this great chance to
grow and have this new bond with my cousin! biggrin

I had a prayer request about transportation to my school. My prayer was answered!!

[ August's Birthdays ]

This month, Unashamed wishes a happy and blessed birthday to:
Squireof the son
The Autocrat
mandy marie

Hope it's a great one, guys!