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A Western Fantasy (A project I am working on)

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:38 am
This is a book I am working on and I would like to hear what people think of it. So please tell me what you think by posting it on this fourm and I will try my best to add more acts when they are made. This one took me four days, one of those days being a rush job on it, and so I would like to hear what you have to say. Thanks.

A Western Fantasy
Act - One - DeMolay Strikes for Life
A Mason in his Mason uniform walked out into the street and turned to face the rising sun. This was not part of a ritual but something else. He was getting ready to meet a raiding party on his own to save his son. The town they lived in was dead. They were the only ones living there and he told his son to hide so he would not be sold into slavery or worse, killed.
The boy, who was named Isaac, watched from a safe distance to see what his father was going to do. He was told to keep away from the area to avoid being caught but he had to see what his father was going to do. As the sun was now right above them, a dust cloud started to blow through. Isaac had to close his, blood red, eyes for just a second so the dust would not get into his eyes. When he opened them up, his father was surrounded by goblins that looked like outlaws and a man in a black cloak.
The next thing the boy knew, a gun was placed to his father head and a loud bang rang through the empty town. He was about to cry when he saw the man in the black cloak look in his direction. “I know you’re out there boy,” the man hollered as he placed his gun back, “so listen carefully, make ay attempt on my life for your father and you will pay with your life. Because, I am Bishop River, leader of the Dark Hand.”
Isaac could not see anything clearly about the man. Therefore, he had only a name to go by for when he did go after Bishop. A few minutes later, another dust storm blew by and Isaac had to cover his eyes once again. When he was able to see, the body of his late father was now the only thing in the streets. Isaac wanted to cry but he knew he would have time later to cry as he came out of the saloon he was hiding in.
Isaac quickly walked over to his late father’s body and knelt down right next to it. He felt all of the anger he had now course through his body as he felt like he should just get up and go after Bishop. However, he knew he had a few things to do before he could leave and go after Bishop. After an hour or more, he was at the grave sight where he dug his father’s grave and buried him. He made a wooden cross out of some wood he found in the old hardware store and engraved his father’s name into the cross.
Isaac said a few words about how much of a good man his father was, and even after his mother and adoptive mother passed away, and that, he wished that he would find Bishop again and make him pay for killing his father. Isaac had his fathers blade attached to the left side of his hip and his father’s two Smith & Wesson .32 Terrier revolvers strapped to the right side of his hip and to his back where his belt loop is. He also had an ammo belt in his belt loop but he had only the twelve rounds that were in the two guns.
As the sun was now in front of him, Isaac decided it was time to go after Bishop. He had no horse to ride but he did have an idea of where to go. He heard of a place that use to be a mansion until the family lost everything and now was supposed to be filled with goblins and their treasures. He knew it would take a few hours to get there and once he got there, he would have to be ready for the fight. Therefore, he quickly went back to the old saloon and found some clothing that was left behind.
It was a white poncho and a black cowboy hat that a dead lawman gave to Isaac. Isaac left it there because that was the place where the lawman died while arresting an outlaw. He knew that the lawman would understand him using it but Isaac gave a quick prayer from him. Isaac was now leaving the dead town known only as Eden. He took one last glance back at it and knew he would never see it again. He continued as the dust storms seamed to subside, as if a sign that he was doing the right thing. Little did he know his troubles were only starting.
After a few hours of travel, he was on the property of the location he thought was the base of the goblins. Isaac scratched his short black hair a bit, as he marveled at the damage that was done to the property. As he got closer, he heard something from behind and looked behind him. He saw a small dust cloud and knew it was not natural. He was not sure who the person was that was coming his way but he did not want to wait around and find out it was someone he did not want to meet. He quickly high tailed it to the side entrance of the mansion and went inside.
As he closed the door behind him, he placed a few things he could find in front of the door and made sure it would not open. Isaac stepped back away from the door now with the two revolvers drawn out. He heard the hooves of the horse and the spurs of the rider that he figured was following him. He heard a few steps and then the person trying to open the door. The door would not open thanks to Isaac’s quick thinking but now it disturbed Isaac. It may have been Bishop.
He found a door to his left and opened it quickly. He shut it as he passed by quietly and saw two goblins with that were playing cards. Lucky for Isaac, the door was in a dark corner with crates stacked right in front of it. Isaac stayed behind the cover and came to the edge of the cover that extended half way across the room. “Hey, did you see the way the boss took care of the pathetic human, I wanted to laugh so hard but I had to keep a straight face for the boss.” One of the goblins asked as they dealt a new hand out.
“Yeah. And I saw the look on your face. I’m just glad he didn’t shoot you for the look. But who do you think he was yelling at back there in the town?” The other goblin asked as he brought the bottle down from his lips.
“I think it was the son of that man. Stinks Bishop didn’t let us go after him. Who knows, it may have turned out that it wasn’t a son that man had, if you catch my drift?” The goblin replied as Isaac almost screamed at him but bit his lip to not blow his cover.
“I know what you mean. So, what’s the plan now?” The goblin asked as he thought he saw something and looked in the general direction that Isaac was in.
“We are to wait for Bishop to come back. He left sometime ago and probly won’t be back for a week or more. The Dark Hand is having trouble finding the four pillars of the elements, or so I heard.” The goblin replied as he noticed that the other goblin was looking at something. Isaac started to back up but the floorboard creaked under his foot. The two goblins quickly got up and drew their guns out when they heard the creaking noise.
“s**t.” Isaac thought as he backed up. He had his guns aimed at the first spot he would see the goblins when they rounded the corer. However, when he heard the floorboards creek on their side, he did not see anyone come around the corner. Instead, they were up in the air yelling something Isaac could not understand. Isaac quickly aimed his guns and fired two rounds per gun at the goblins. Two of the rounds hit the mark on one of the goblins and only one hit the other. However, the shots killed the two goblins before they landed next to Isaac. Isaac now had eight shots left and had lost his cover for a quick and quiet assault.
He could not remember how many goblins there were at his father’s murder but he did remember it was a small number for them to come and go so quickly. He got up and walked around the corner. He saw a door at the other side of the room and quickly went over there. He opened the door and scanned the area on the other side of the door with his eyes. He saw no one and this disturbed him. He fired rounds that were loud yet he did not hear anyone making a sound that showed he had blown his cover.
He closed the door right behind him as he swept the area with his guns pointed in every direction. He knew something was up but he had no clue what it was. He started to make an investigation and went to each room, one by one. In each room, he found signs that people were there but now they were not. This disturbed him even more and ended his search when he last checked the basement. When he checked in there, he found lots of loot and ammo for guns but nothing that proved where the goblins were.
Isaac decided to take this moment to use the ammo and reload his weapons. He opened up his revolvers, took out the two spent shells, and replaced them with loaded one. He then placed shells into his ammo belt as he felt it lightly pull him down, as the weight got heavier. When he finished counting, he had close to one hundred shells on his belt and in his two revolvers. He gave a small prayer incase the ammo came at the cost of human lives and went back up to the main floor. When he got up there, he had his revolvers out because he thought he saw something move.
When he closed the door behind him with his foot, he heard something again and looked in the general direction that he heard something. Without warning, a few goblins fired at him but had missed for some odd reason. Isaac returned fire by firing the round in his revolvers. His aim was getting better now and so was his reflex to fire. He unloaded the empty shells and reloaded fresh new ones into the revolvers. He walked on some more and a few more goblins appear out of nowhere from the second floor.
They jumped down; Isaac aimed his guns up at them, and fired four rounds. They died before they hit the ground and Isaac figured he should check the second floor now. He ran up to the staircase and saw two more goblins. He shot two round this time and nailed them before they could do anything. With three rounds in each revolver left, he continued up to the second floor. “Where did these guys come out from?” Isaac wondered, as he stayed alert the whole way up.
When he made it to the second floor, he saw that the railing went all around and that there was one door on the other side of the stairs. He sprinted around to the other side and kicked down the door. He rushed in and saw a goblin with no shirt on. He aimed his guns at him and hollered, “Where is Bishop River?” The goblin only chuckled at the question as he looked back at Isaac. He shot him a quick, menacing glance before he replied.
“Bishop is where the winds blow with the sun from the wagon out in front of this house. But like it will matter, you won’t leave this place alive.” The goblin replied as he started to disappear into nothingness. Isaac fired one round but missed the goblin by just a second. Isaac sighed a bit as he went back to the stairs. He now had a lead but knew he had to get out of there before the goblin made good on his threat. As he approached the bottom of the stairs, he saw two goblins, fired two rounds, and hit them. He was now down to his last round in his gun but he did not take the time to reload.
As he rushed to the doors, he got ready to slam his shoulder into the door and knock it open. He did just that and was still running to the wagon when he felt something jump him from behind. He did not have a chance to react and the thing tossed him like a rag doll. He lost hold of his revolvers and knew now that the goblin was keeping good on his threat. Isaac slowly got up after he landed with a small thud and saw the goblins green, bare, upper body with a twin bladed axe.
“So, you’re keeping good on your threat?” Isaac asked as he was now on his feet.
“I foretold the future. Now, draw your blade, DeMolay.” The goblin replied as he shot the same look again at Isaac. Isaac drew his blade out and gripped it with both his hands, right handed style. A sagebrush blew by and then the two were off at each other. The Goblin raised his axe high up into the air and chopped down at Isaac. Isaac jumped to the side and started to thrust at the goblin.
The goblin jumped up and then raised his axe up again, high in the air. Isaac tried his best to look up at the goblin but he could not see him. The goblin came down like a rock and hit the ground right in front of Isaac. The ground shattered and broke into many pieces all the while Isaac lost his balance. He fell to the ground on his back as he noticed the goblin raise his axe again. Isaac rolled to the left and barely avoided the goblin making a second strike. “Damn it.” The goblin ushered under his breath and his anger raised deep inside him. “Why won’t you stay still and die, you stinking DeMolay?”
“Because I have to avenge my farther by killing Bishop River.” Isaac replied as he quickly jumped up and tried to slash through the goblin. The goblin let go off his axe and jumped back.
“Don’t think I would be that easy to beat.” The goblin taunted as he landed on his feet and started to come at Isaac. Isaac was feeling a little bit tired now because he wasn’t use to fighting this long, usually his father or him would have won within three moves. Isaac knew he was close to his limits and if he did not end it soon, he would die.
The goblin threw a punch and hit Isaac hard enough to send him back a few feet. “Pathetic, you are nothing like a DeMolay you guys claimed to be. You all went soft after your kind was charged with that crime. Best you let me end your life so you don’t have to deal with any further humiliation.” The goblin told Isaac as he slowly walked back to his axe and picked it up.
“Never.” Isaac said as he laid there on the ground.
“Huh?” The goblin said as he looked over at Isaac.
“We never did those crimes we are accused of.” Isaac replied as he started to slowly, get up onto his feet. “And we DeMolays are not pathetic, nor are the Masons and Squires. We are strong because of the brotherhood we share in order to be better men. And we protect those in our brotherhood. With that said, I won’t lose to you and I will get my revenge on Bishop River, I swear it!” Isaac hollered at the top of his lungs as he now stood on his feet and his sword at the ready.
“That is going to be an empty promise; I swear that to you, filthy scum.” The goblin told Isaac as he sprinted at him with his axe right behind him in his hands. He swung the axe in a side swiping movement when he got close enough to Isaac. However, Isaac jumped up into the air and came down thrusting his blade into the mouth of the goblin. It went straight through the goblin without the goblin making a sound. Isaac pulled his blade out and the body fell onto the ground.
Isaac was more then sure, he was tired and placed his blade away. He then went over, slowly, to his revolvers and picked them up. He placed them back in their holsters and then looked at the wagon as the wind, lightly, blew by. He walked up to the old wagon and saw some rations inside it. He sighed a bit and realized he would need this for when he traveled. He was about to take it out of the wagon when he heard the spurs again right behind him.
Isaac turned around and saw a man wearing complete black with a revolver on the right side of his hip. “Who are you? Do you work for Bishop River?” Isaac demanded as he almost drew his gun out.
“Wait boy, I’m on your side. I am Mr. Valentine, professional bounty hunter. I was after that goblin you killed.” Mr. Valentine told Isaac as he pointed at the new corpse.
“Thank god. So you were the one that was following me when I first got here?” Isaac asked as he relaxed a bit.
“Yes. In addition, I am extremely shocked you took them on by yourself with no backup. Tell me, why were you after them?” Mr. Valentine asked as he cracked an evil looking smile.
“I was after their leader, his name is…” Isaac said before Mr. Valentine abruptly interrupted him.
“Bishop River, leader of the Dark Hand. I know he is next on my list. So, where does that leave you?” Mr. Valentine asked as Isaac got a bad feeling.
“I guess that makes us rivals after the same target, right?” Isaac replied as he noticed a bad gleam in the man’s eye.
“Then I am going to have to kill you, enjoy your afterlife, you filthy DeMolay.” Mr. Valentine told Isaac as he rested his hand next to his gun. Isaac blinked for a quick second and heard a gun shot. When he opened his eyes up, he saw Mr. Valentine dead on the ground and Isaac was holding his revolver with its last round spent. Isaac blinked for a bit then he walked over to the body of Mr. Valentine. He looked down and aw that the man was dead. He gave a small prayer for the man’s soul, even though he was going to kill Isaac.
Isaac did not say any words for the man but instead, he unloaded the spent rounds and let the shells fall onto the body. He then reloaded the gun and went to the side of the mansion where he thought the horse would be. He was right and there stood a black mustang with a nice black saddle. He grabbed the reins and led the horse to the wagon. He loaded the supplies onto the horse and then got up onto the horse. He looked at the direction was and felt the breeze blow the same direction.
Isaac hollered as he kicked the sides of the horse and the horse started to rush off like there was no tomorrow in the same direction as the wind. Isaac knew his life would never be the same from this day on and that fact was true. His life changed this way for one reason and only one reason. He had to become a hero that would stand up against the evil forces of the world as they try to stop him. If he got his revenge, the world would be saved and there would be peace in the world for a while. However, if he failed, the world would fall to the hands of evil and Isaac would most likely be dead.
This is his tail, and the tail of those that help him in his journey to fight the evil that went hardly unopposed since the Masons, DeMolays, and Squires were accused of a crime they did not commit. This tail is nothing but a western fantasy.  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:02 pm
I made a mistake, where its says sage brush, I meant to say tumbleweed. My bad.  



PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:39 am
god damn thats long i only read the first line srry but it was way to long =[  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:36 pm
god damn thats long i only read the first line srry but it was way to long =[

It took up about seven word document pages to write, I can understand.  


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