Hello everyone. Its time to introduce myself. So what should i say? confused Hmmm............. evil
>My name is Kyanne Hartnett....Just call me Anne is okay. 3nodding
>>Next..I'm just 15..don't be surprise. scream
>>>I'm a Malaysian and absolutely from Malaysia.
>>>>I'm a catholic Christian.. surprised
>>>>>My race is Kadazan. Kadazan are unique. If u want to know more about them..don't hesitate just ask me. whee
>>>>>>I hav a parents..their names are mother and father. whee . I hav siblings too name...brothers and sister. FYI: I hav a big nice family. neutral
>>>>>I was born on 30th April 1993.. On my birtday, don't forget to giv me presents okay??? Haha kidding. 4laugh
>>>>I hav a big examination this year so i will hav to study smart not hard. Wish me LUCK. blaugh
>>>I think that's enough about me. If u want to know more about this @NN3 just message me and i'll relpy u. WE will be BEST Frens. sweatdrop heart

Motto: Keep moving forward, Walt Disney. pirate *attack forward*
: Big or small only u can make the diferrence, ****** smile

wahmbulance yOuR B3sT FrEnD,
O-@NN3 wink