Alright anyone in the guild can start a contest. Here are a full rules for contest posting.

-Follow the Gaia ToS.
-If you start a contest be sure to add rules and all that.
-If you start a contest finish it.
-If you offer a prize for winning make sure before starting the contest you can pay it out to avoid problems with other members.
-Dont post your quests on here please.
-If you post an art contest all entrees have to be in that one topic not any other.
-Make rules understandable and legit.
-If a contest requires a judge and you have them please add the names of the judges.
-Be sure when you start the contest make sure you announce the prize in the first post right when you post it. And dont change it up unless you have a really good reason.
-Make the contest fair dont direct the contest to certain members.
-Dont aske the crew or captains for handouts!
-dont enter your own contests.
-Only moderators can stickey their contests since the contests we post are going to be official guild contests.
-have fun C=

You can get banned or reported or deletion of contest for these reasons:
-The contest is under suspicion of being a scam by the crew or mods.
-You post a contest that should have a cash prize. Example: art contest.
-You already posted a contest that broke rules.
-If your contest has three strikes.
-If you dont hold up to your prize awarding by the end of the month without good reason, you will be reported for scamming and will get kicked out of the guild.

Please follow the rules and have fun with your contests.