Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:27 am
I'm back baby. I got Wi-Fi again. And no, I don't speak french, I only know a few words. ^^
Anyway, I need the following "Common"/Non-legendary Pokemon:
Butterfree Shellder Magmar Omanyte (not as a fossil please). Kabutops Furret Ledyba Skiploom Houndour Hitmontop Magby (with Magmabooster)/Magmortar Shroomish Slaking Gulpin/Swalot Numel (Gotten from GTS) Zangoose Baltoy Cradlily
Legendaries (Tradebacks will suffice)
Darkrai Lugia
Anyone willing to lend a hand, I can breed just about anything else, or do tradeback with other legendaries. ^^
Edit: Only seven to go, not counting the legendaries. ^^
Edit 2: Six to go. ^^
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:23 pm
krishnath Shellder Magmar Omanyte FurretLedyba Skiploom Haundour MagbyShroomishGulpin Swalot ZangooseCradlily I can get the ones listed above for you. I don't have a Magmarizer, but I do have an extra Magmortar I can trade to you if you want.
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 5:30 am
Fullmetal-Shinobi krishnath Shellder Magmar Omanyte Furret Ledyba Skiploom Haundour Magby Shroomish Gulpin Swalot Zangoose Cradlily I can get the ones listed above for you. I don't have a Magmarizer, but I do have an extra Magmortar I can trade to you if you want. That would do nicely, what do you want for the Magmortar? And what do you want for the others?
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:53 pm
krishnath Fullmetal-Shinobi krishnath Shellder Magmar Omanyte Furret Ledyba Skiploom Haundour Magby Shroomish Gulpin Swalot Zangoose Cradlily I can get the ones listed above for you. I don't have a Magmarizer, but I do have an extra Magmortar I can trade to you if you want. That would do nicely, what do you want for the Magmortar? And what do you want for the others? Here's a list of what I need(yay lists!) Caterpie Ekans Sandshrew Paras Snorlax Crobat Chinchou Aipom Sunkern Pineco Qwilfish Shuckle Heracross Teddiursa Kingdra Hitmontop Blissey Sableye Mawile Seviper Feebas Gorebyss Mothim Lopunny Legends(Even though I doubt I have anything worth one) Zapdos Mewtwo Entei Suicune Raikou All the Regis Latios and Latias I'll trade you for any of those, or any shinies that you're willing to part with.....
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:49 am
Fullmetal-Shinobi krishnath Fullmetal-Shinobi krishnath Shellder Magmar Omanyte Furret Ledyba Skiploom Haundour Magby Shroomish Gulpin Swalot Zangoose Cradlily I can get the ones listed above for you. I don't have a Magmarizer, but I do have an extra Magmortar I can trade to you if you want. That would do nicely, what do you want for the Magmortar? And what do you want for the others? Here's a list of what I need(yay lists!) Caterpie Ekans Sandshrew Paras Snorlax Crobat Chinchou Aipom Sunkern Pineco Qwilfish Shuckle Heracross Teddiursa Kingdra Hitmontop Blissey Sableye Mawile Seviper Feebas Gorebyss Mothim Lopunny Legends(Even though I doubt I have anything worth one) Zapdos Mewtwo Entei Suicune Raikou All the Regis Latios and Latias I'll trade you for any of those, or any shinies that you're willing to part with..... I don't have any shines, but I do have a spare Zapdos... I'll list the "commons" I either have or can get easily. ^^ Caterpie: not a problem, it's easy to breed. Ekans: Don't have one at the moment, but I can get one quickly like. So that's not a problem either. Paras: Not a problem either. Snorlax: need to breed it. Aipom: Not a problem Sunkern: I can breed one, should I attach a sunstone to it? Pineco: Easy as pie. I know where I can catch them in large numbers. ^^ Qwilfish: I have a spare. Heracross: also easy to get, I might even have a spare. Teddiursa: Not a problem, I think I have like ten on my Emerald Game... Sableye: I think I have a spare, and if I don't, I can easily breed one. Mawile: I can breed one. Feebas: You only need one? I breed this one in dozens. ^^ Mothim: I think I can get this one, might take a while though, male burmy aren't exactly easy to find. Lopunny: Not a problem. ^^ That's what I have or can get, unfortunatly, I don't have a lot of space left in my storage, so if you could take the Zapdos of my hand to start with, I'd appreciate it. ^^ Edit: What I have at the moment: Ekans Sandshrew (gotten through a trade from 3rd gen, female) Aipom (female) Sunkern (gotten through a trade from 3rd gen, female) Pineco (see the other thread, it has pokerus and is male) Qwilfish (bred, male or female, knows spikes, tackle, and poison sting, 1st level) Mawile (bred, female, knows Astonish, 1st level) Mothim Lopunny What I need to breed: Caterpie Snorlax Heracross Sableye Feebas So we can start whenever you're ready. ^^
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:31 am
krishnath Fullmetal-Shinobi krishnath Fullmetal-Shinobi krishnath Shellder Magmar Omanyte Furret Ledyba Skiploom Haundour Magby Shroomish Gulpin Swalot Zangoose Cradlily I can get the ones listed above for you. I don't have a Magmarizer, but I do have an extra Magmortar I can trade to you if you want. That would do nicely, what do you want for the Magmortar? And what do you want for the others? Here's a list of what I need(yay lists!) Caterpie Ekans Sandshrew Paras Snorlax Crobat Chinchou Aipom Sunkern Pineco Qwilfish Shuckle Heracross Teddiursa Kingdra Hitmontop Blissey Sableye Mawile Seviper Feebas Gorebyss Mothim Lopunny Legends(Even though I doubt I have anything worth one) Zapdos Mewtwo Entei Suicune Raikou All the Regis Latios and Latias I'll trade you for any of those, or any shinies that you're willing to part with..... I don't have any shines, but I do have a spare Zapdos... I'll list the "commons" I either have or can get easily. ^^ Caterpie: not a problem, it's easy to breed. Ekans: Don't have one at the moment, but I can get one quickly like. So that's not a problem either. Paras: Not a problem either. Snorlax: need to breed it. Aipom: Not a problem Sunkern: I can breed one, should I attach a sunstone to it? Pineco: Easy as pie. I know where I can catch them in large numbers. ^^ Qwilfish: I have a spare. Heracross: also easy to get, I might even have a spare. Teddiursa: Not a problem, I think I have like ten on my Emerald Game... Sableye: I think I have a spare, and if I don't, I can easily breed one. Mawile: I can breed one. Feebas: You only need one? I breed this one in dozens. ^^ Mothim: I think I can get this one, might take a while though, male burmy aren't exactly easy to find. Lopunny: Not a problem. ^^ That's what I have or can get, unfortunatly, I don't have a lot of space left in my storage, so if you could take the Zapdos of my hand to start with, I'd appreciate it. ^^ Edit: What I have at the moment: Ekans Sandshrew (gotten through a trade from 3rd gen, female) Aipom (female) Sunkern (gotten through a trade from 3rd gen, female) Pineco (see the other thread, it has pokerus and is male) Qwilfish (bred, male or female, knows spikes, tackle, and poison sting, 1st level) Mawile (bred, female, knows Astonish, 1st level) Mothim Lopunny What I need to breed: Caterpie Snorlax Heracross Sableye Feebas So we can start whenever you're ready. ^^ Well, I caught a Sunkern last night(and eveolved it), so I don't need one anymore. And the Zapdos would just be for data, so it doesn't matter to me. I should be on WiFi momentarily with my Magmortar and 5 other Pokemon that you need, I just need a minute to set everything up.
Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:57 am
Fullmetal-Shinobi krishnath Fullmetal-Shinobi krishnath Fullmetal-Shinobi krishnath Shellder Magmar Omanyte Furret Ledyba Skiploom Haundour Magby Shroomish Gulpin Swalot Zangoose Cradlily I can get the ones listed above for you. I don't have a Magmarizer, but I do have an extra Magmortar I can trade to you if you want. That would do nicely, what do you want for the Magmortar? And what do you want for the others? Here's a list of what I need(yay lists!) Caterpie Ekans Sandshrew Paras Snorlax Crobat Chinchou Aipom Sunkern Pineco Qwilfish Shuckle Heracross Teddiursa Kingdra Hitmontop Blissey Sableye Mawile Seviper Feebas Gorebyss Mothim Lopunny Legends(Even though I doubt I have anything worth one) Zapdos Mewtwo Entei Suicune Raikou All the Regis Latios and Latias I'll trade you for any of those, or any shinies that you're willing to part with..... I don't have any shines, but I do have a spare Zapdos... I'll list the "commons" I either have or can get easily. ^^ Caterpie: not a problem, it's easy to breed. Ekans: Don't have one at the moment, but I can get one quickly like. So that's not a problem either. Paras: Not a problem either. Snorlax: need to breed it. Aipom: Not a problem Sunkern: I can breed one, should I attach a sunstone to it? Pineco: Easy as pie. I know where I can catch them in large numbers. ^^ Qwilfish: I have a spare. Heracross: also easy to get, I might even have a spare. Teddiursa: Not a problem, I think I have like ten on my Emerald Game... Sableye: I think I have a spare, and if I don't, I can easily breed one. Mawile: I can breed one. Feebas: You only need one? I breed this one in dozens. ^^ Mothim: I think I can get this one, might take a while though, male burmy aren't exactly easy to find. Lopunny: Not a problem. ^^ That's what I have or can get, unfortunatly, I don't have a lot of space left in my storage, so if you could take the Zapdos of my hands to start with, I'd appreciate it. ^^ Edit: What I have at the moment: EkansSandshrew (gotten through a trade from 3rd gen, female) Aipom (female) Sunkern (gotten through a trade from 3rd gen, female) Pineco (see the other thread, it has pokerus and is male) Qwilfish (bred, male or female, knows spikes, tackle, and poison sting, 1st level) Mawile (bred, female, knows Astonish, 1st level) Mothim LopunnyWhat I need to breed: Caterpie Snorlax Heracross Sableye Feebas So we can start whenever you're ready. ^^ Well, I caught a Sunkern last night(and eveolved it), so I don't need one anymore. And the Zapdos would just be for data, so it doesn't matter to me. I should be on WiFi momentarily with my Magmortar and 5 other Pokemon that you need, I just need a minute to set everything up. Thank you for the trade, I will start breeding the others tomorrow. ^^
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:22 am
Fixed a Caterpie, working on the Feebas.
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:26 am
krishnath Fixed a Caterpie, working on the Feebas. .........Oh balls, I knew there was something I was supposed to be doing.....
Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:11 am
Fullmetal-Shinobi krishnath Fixed a Caterpie, working on the Feebas. .........Oh balls, I knew there was something I was supposed to be doing..... The Feebas knows Dragon Breath. ^^ The first compatible male I came across to the female Milotic was a Salamence... ^^
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:31 am
I want to thank [.Night Sky.] for providing me with a Baltoy. ^^