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Elemental Quest - the story behind the cheesy villian

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Sita Harker

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:31 pm
Title: Elemental Quest

Summary: All video games are the same - the beautiful girlfriend gets kidnapped, the handsome warrior hero rescues, defeating monsters along the way. But what does the maiden do while the hero is on his quest? What if there's a bigger story behind the villain? What if the plot of the game is not the whole story? Read and critique please.

Rated: PG

Genre: Fantasy, maybe a smidgen of adventure during some chapters, and probably some humor (though not necessarily good) xd

[map to go here soon xp ]


I would GREATLY appreciate constructive criticism, since I wish to show it to people and maybe publish one day. Please no flames if they do not have a point that you will explain. Help and suggestions will be taken seriously and answered. Thanks ^_^
PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:33 pm
Elemental Quest


“Elemental Quest? What the heck kind of name is that? Sounds cheesy.”

“No man, you gotta try it. It’s awesome!”

“Dude, it’s always the same – dude is in love with chick, chick gets kidnapped, dude has to rescue her and kill monsters along the way. It gets boring after a while.”

“Yeah, I know man, but this has awesome graphics and the chick is really hot!”

Joey paused. “Well, you have got a point.” He stared at the cover of the game. It had a picture of a scantily clad woman with jet black hair and suggestive grey eyes on the left side. On the right side was a mysterious black-robed wizard with a shiny mask, holding out a hand with a ball of fire in it. Between them was a handsome, muscle-bound elf warrior with blond hair, an angry look, and a large sword grasped in his hands. A fierce gold dragon stood in the background.

It was very cheesy, Joey knew that. But how could he resist a scantily clad female? Skip had found his weakness.

“You guys are disgusting!” snorted Gina from the next aisle over. “All you care about is hot women! And she won’t even be on the screen except for the beginning and end!”

Joey and Skip looked at each other and shook their heads. Girls just didn’t understand.

“There’s also the dragon-fighting!” protested Skip.

“Yeah!” Joey said, nodding. “And monsters!”

“And bosses!”

“And hot bar maids and shop owners that flirt with you!”

This time, Gina shook her head.

“You guys are so narrow-minded.” She turned away and looked out the game shop window. “I wonder what the captured maiden does all day while she’s waiting for the hero to rescue her.” she murmured softly.

“Who cares?” said Joey and Skip in unison, heading for the cashier,Elemental Quest in hand.

When they weren’t looking, Gina slipped into the aisle with Elemental Quest and looked at the cover for a moment before flipping it around to read the back.

You are Oreh, a young elf warrior preparing to become a Weapons Master. But one day, an evil wizard steals your fiancée, Nediam. You must journey across the land, battling the monsters that inhabit the land of good Erutnevda and evil Dekciw along the way, to find the evil wizard’s castle and rescue your beloved.

Rated F for Fierce

Gina put it back on the shelf and sighed. Perhaps one day she would make a video game about the life of a captured damsel. You could clean and do embroidery to gain levels and lose hit points when your character got bored.

She giggled. What a dumb idea. But it would be funny to bore a character to death.

DING! Joey and Skip were leaving the shop.

“HEY! Wait up! She called after them, running to catch up.

One day, she thought, I’m going to get my own driver’s license.  

Sita Harker

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Sita Harker

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:36 pm
The font in this chapter is best seen in Courier New or some other computer-ish font, since it is in the context of a cheesy video game. All chapters not in Oreh's POV should be in a softer font, unless I specifically say so. The writing in Oreh chapters SHOULD be a bit cheesy (as in most computer games) but not TOO cheesy as to be bad writing. Do you think this is a bad idea? Once again, suggestions GREATLY appreciated.


Maiden In Distress

“Oreh! What do you think you’re doing?” shouted Reidlos, the weapons master. Oreh looked up guiltily from the Black Magic Axe Level 10 he was just about to touch.

“Sorry master. Couldn’t resist.” The abashed elf returned to his seat. Reidlos sighs.

“Always the curious one. But I’m afraid that we are studying the history of Erutnevda now!”

Oreh frowned. He hated history.

Just then, a beautiful woman walked in. She had bright red hair, green eyes, and a tray holding lunch for two on it. Oreh smiled at her.

“Hey Nediam.” He said dreamily. She batted her eyelashes at him.

“Hi Oreh.” Nediam set the tray down. “There’s your luch. Honestly, you guys should learn how to cook your own meals – it’s just as important as sword fighting.” She grinned and left.

“Mm! Smells good!” Exclaimed Reidlos, and grabbed a sandwich.

“Eh.” Oreh said, distracted.

After a bite of sandwich, the old weapons master returned to the books on the table.

“Now, Oreh-” but he was cut off by a scream from outside.

“Nediam!” Oreh cried, springing to his feet. He ran outside, stopping only a second to grab his sword, followed quickly by Reidlos. He stopped short.

A man, completely covered with black robes and a mask, was running away, with a frightened-looking Nediam slung over his shoulder.

“OREH!” she screamed, and the elf ran forward, sword brandished high.

“Oreh, wait!” Reidlos shouted, but it was too late. The man in black turned. Just as Oreh was about to run him through, the man flicked his wrist and the warrior went flying backwards into Reidlos.

“Don’t even try it,” the man said, his voice raspy, as though someone had just tried to strangle him.

“Let me go!” cried Nediam. Oreh’s knuckles grew white as he grasped his sword even more tightly.

“Give her back right now sorcerer or I’ll slice your head off!”

The man scoffed. “Nice try.” He said simply.

“Don’t provoke him, Oreh!” shouted Reidlos. “He is Drazim, the son of a very famous dark wizard!”

“Listen to your mommy, tree-spawn. You’re in too deep.” And with that, the wizard disappeared with Nediam in a puff of black smoke.

“NEDIAM!” cried Oreh, rushing to the spot she had been held just a moment ago. But she was gone. The elf sat down heavily on the cobblestone street, looking dejected. Reidlos put a hand on his shoulder.

“There, there. All is not lost – we can get her back!”

Oreh looked up hopefully. “Really? How? Do you know where they went?”

“I know of Drazim’s father, Rehtaf. They live in a castle over in Dekciw, through the Mountains of Darkness, over the River of Death, past the Plains of Loneliness and the Valley of Despair.”

Oreh was shocked.

“Dekciw? But no one has been able to get there since the wizard Sendoog blocked it off so that the evil in those lands could never attack us again!”

“Ah, you remember your history well, even if you hate it.” Reidlos smiled. “Yes, the Narrow Pass is blocked with powerful magic – but there is a way through. After all, how do you think Drazim got through?”

“Uh-” started Oreh, but Reidlos cut him off.

“With the Elemental Stones of his land. Somehow he got a hold of them and opened the Pass with it. He will not be able to come back, since when you use them for a trip to and from they hide themselves again.”

“What-” started the elf, but was cut off again.

“The Elemental Stones are magic stones of five elements – fire, water, wind, earth, and electricity – that when put together make a key that will unlock the magic barrier around the Narrow Pass.

There is one in each of the main towns of this land. You will need to collect them. They will stay with you long enough for you to go through twice – forward and then back home again. Then they will hide themselves someplace new.

Now, there will be many monsters on the roads, so you will need to go to the next town to gather supplies…”  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:38 pm

The Wives

Kyoko stared out the window, watching the snow fall with a bored expression. The weather held no excitement for her, never had. And the scenery wasn’t even beautiful. During the spring, summer, and fall, the landscape was barren, black, and bleak. The effect was despair. Only in winter did it look at least melancholy, with gray skies over huge white-clad hills, the “new-snow” sparkle gone after the first hour. She sighed and looked back into the room. What she saw wasn’t that exciting either.

Naem (whom Kyoko privately referred to as “Her Snootyness”) sat on a sofa in the corner, looking snooty at the others while embroidering a dainty pillowcase. Citamardolem (everyone just called her Cita) sat on a bench under another frosty window, looking sadly out at the desolate landscape, her black hair carefully arranged over her dark dress that contrasted with her pale white skin, creating a forlorn tableau. Queen Neeuq sat, sitting regally in her solid gold throne, facing the entire room with her wrinkled face set in a deep frown.

Kyoko started to turn back to the window when she heard a noise. She and the other wives looked at the doorway. Drawac, the queen’s personal servant, minced in. He bowed nervously. Neeuq stood up, a hopeful look on her face.

“I thought your ladyship would like to know…” muttered Drawac, “that Drazim has returned. With a female.”

Her Snootyness Naem smiled viciously and returned to her embroidery. Cita sighed tragically and struck her pose once more. Queen Neeuq gave a relieved sigh.

“Finally,” she said wearily, “I can rest easy.” She sat back in her throne again with a smile. Drawac bowed and began to leave.

“Wait, Drawac!” called Kyoko. “Where is the new woman?”

“In the Tower Room madam, of course.” He said, with a slight smirk at the end of this remark, before turning and leaving the room, closing the door behind him with a soft shwip of wood on carpet. Kyoko scowled. Even meek Drawac had no respect for her. Would they ever let her live that incident down…?

She turned back to the window. As soon as she had some time, she would visit this new woman. True, the likelihood of her being anything but another disappointment like Naem and Cita was slim, but anything to stem Kyoko’s unending tide of boredom and loneliness was welcome to her.

Kyoko began to draw shapes in the fog on the glass.

So Drazim finally gave in and got a girl.

She supposed it was only a matter of time before he gave up.

Well, she thought, at least now I have a shot at a companion.  

Sita Harker

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Sita Harker

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:39 pm



Nediam looked up sharply, a shot of adrenaline running down her spine, her heart beating fast. What now?

The narrow door opened, and a woman walked in. She had navy black hair in a large bun and deep blue oval eyes. Nediam guessed she must have come from the town of Ecalp, in the southwest.

The woman stared at Nediam. Nediam stared back. The woman moved into the room and shut the door behind her.

“I am Kyoko, wife of Yugecin,” the woman said.

“How do you do.” Nediam said stiffly, not caring if she was rude. She had been kidnapped after all and this woman, this… Kyoko from far away Eclap… was probably an accomplice of the evil madman that had captured her.

There was a few seconds of silence as Kyoko waited for Nediam to say more. When she didn’t, Kyoko said, “You must be Drazim’s… fiancée.”

Somewhere in the castle a door slammed. Pots rattled and servants shouted.

“Fiancée?” Nedaim asked. At this Kyoko sighed and sat down on a satin pillow near the door. “I guess you haven’t been told then.”

“What,” Nediam asked, “that I’m someone’s fiancée?”

“Yes. That you have been brought to the land of Dekciw to marry the King’s youngest son Drazim.”

Now the sounds of breaking china. Someone began to yell at someone.

“Why?” asked Nediam. Kyoko blinked. Of all the questions and outbursts she had expected, this took her by surprise.

“Wh-what do you mean?” she asked, a little flustered.

“Well,” Nediam said matter-of-factly, “I’m not rich, magical, or powerful. Why on earth would a random wizard want to marry me?”

“Don’t sell yourself short. You’re very pretty.” Kyoko shrugged. “But I must admit, it’s probably mostly dumb luck.”

Nediam snorted. “Some luck.” She turned away from Kyoko and gazed out the window.

“You seem very calm. Much calmer than the others were.” Kyoko commented.

“I am calm because I know Oreh is going to rescue me. He’s a warrior you-” she stopped and turned abruptly towards Kyoko. Her eyes widened. “What others?”

Kyoko smiled. “Don’t look so worried. Drazim had no previous wives that died mysteriously or anything like that if that is what you’re so concerned about.” Her smile faded and her face grew dark. “That would be better than the truth.”

Nediam bit her lip. “What truth?” she asked nervously.

“By “the others”, I meant the other wives of Emantsal like myself. You see, Drazim has, or rather had, three brothers. Each had a wife. Unfortunately, the other two are very annoying and petty. The queen, Neeuq, is no better – in fact she’s worse.”

“How is she-” started Nediam, but was interrupted by a scream and a great crashing noise downstairs. Kyoko closed her eyes and sighed wearily.

“I’m sorry, I have to go. It sounds like Zlulk is having trouble in the kitchen again!” With that, she nimbly got to her feet and left, shutting the door quietly behind her. Nediam watched her go.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:45 am
It's hilarious! I love how it's relateable for anyone who's ever played a nerdy video game (like me).

Is Cita intended to be a varation on your username?  

Lhia Dunwaith

Sita Harker

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:11 am
It's hilarious! I love how it's relateable for anyone who's ever played a nerdy video game (like me).

Is Cita intended to be a varation on your username?

Actually, no. It's just the first nickname that came to mind.

Want a hint? Spell her full name backwards. twisted  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:41 am
Sita Carew
It's hilarious! I love how it's relateable for anyone who's ever played a nerdy video game (like me).

Is Cita intended to be a varation on your username?

Actually, no. It's just the first nickname that came to mind.

Want a hint? Spell her full name backwards. twisted

Oh! I get it now! xd That's really good, I like that.  

Lhia Dunwaith

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